This track is a work of art. I like how its longer that most track but so fun at the same time. The first turn is so smooth. Well heck, the whole map is smooth, keep on forging!
i was watching hj make this and it sucks that his money glitch messed up but its still one of my favorite tracks.the hills add challenge to the track. 5/5 for incredibilty with the money glitch
yea i rememer how mad i was when it screwed up it sucked so to clear things up thats y i dont have more asthetics and also y the end really sucks really sorry about the end lol but also my new map i cant post till like 2-3 weeks cause i had to send it in to microsoft so it wont be up for a while lol sorry and its good to
well it was like 47 secs but because i didnt use a staked map i ran into object limit : ( so i had to make it shorter now its like 43 secs ill have to time again when i can
not to bad also managed to only border one side of the hill cause i had no more objects left i had to move destination to top of second hill
This map is sick all the sweet banks and bank waves so smooth although I haven't raced it yet it looks really well made I'll definately have to comment on your other tracks great job!
if there is anything i like more about a track, if that it twists and turns. i havent downloaded this yet but ill try to soon. but thru the pics, 4/5