PLEASE RATE & COMMENT! VIDEO LINK: OMG Presents: Bart’s Chapel & Haunted Chapel Hello Forgehub – as you can see, Kingbartlett and I have once again been hard at work, and would like to share with you our latest creation. Welcome to Bart’s Chapel. Download it here! In war, churches and chapels were often the only fortified locations, and this is no different. The Chapel has all the standard fittings – A graveyard, double glazing, comfortable pews, a fancy altar, you know, the usual. It also comes with Gun Turrets, a sniper tower, and an easy to access roof area with balconies. Sounds great right? Unfortunately, the infidels have set up camp right outside, and Bart’s Chapel is under siege. Again, thanks to the benefit of recognisable environments, it’s fairly easy to shout on locations of your enemies, with key-areas suitable named (i.e Graveyard, Sniper Tower, Main Hall etc) The roof can be accessed from the Rear straight away, Just a simple jump. Gametypes: We’ve also made this map suitable for three especially designed gametypes. These are as follows (Our favourite is at the top) High Priest – This can be downloaded here High Priest is a VIP gametype. Now we’re not normally huge fans of VIP, but trust us – this plays very well on Bart’s Chapel, and suits the character of this map perfectly. The defenders High Priest must be protected from assassination by the infidels – he is very powerful, but if set upon by too many foes, he will fall. Fortunately, if his followers stay in close proximity, his faith and strength will be passed to them. (For the Laymen – his influence will make fellow teammates stronger when they are near him) More Tea V1C4R? – This can be downloaded here More Tea V1C4R? is a One Flag game – The defenders must protect the Sacred Cloth from the infidel usurpers! Great fun, always guaranteed to please! Holy Hand Grenade – This can be downloaded here The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioc must be planted before the Altar – if not, then all is lost! (Basically One Bomb with a few twists) Pictures: Obviously we’re aware some of you will have skipped this large wall of text and gone straight for the pictures. And of course, here they are: Bart’s Chapel (Main Overview) Sniper Tower Front Door (Under Sniper Tower) Chapel Rear Main Entrance (Front) Main Hall/Altar Room Graveyard (Rockets) Infidel Base(SPLAZER) As you can see, a lot of time and effort has gone into this map, and we hope you all enjoy it – however, we can’t just leave it there. There’s one more thing…. Haunted Chapel It wouldn’t be right if we didn’t do an Infection Variant – this is pretty much along the same lines as Bart’s Manor’s haunted variant, but there are a few differences. This time, the survivors of the infection have already barricaded themselves into the chapel, fearing being turned like their loved ones. Sadly the ghosts and ghouls want as much brains as they can get, and will be attempting to break in. Try to stay alive. Shotguns are okay for close quarters, but one pistol shot will put the Zombie down for good. Watch out though, you have limited ammo, so make every shot count. Alpha Zombies are immune to headshots and they are also semi-invisible (ghost-like you might say!) Here’s Some Screenies of the Haunted Chapel in action: Chapel Overview Barricades! Zombie gets pwned Download Haunted Chapel here Download the gametype, Ghouls’n’Ghosts, here Once again, thanks for reading, please rate and comment, and expect a video next week! KingBartlett & Sikamikanico
Haha, that's pretty damn cool Sik. I'm busy forging me some Legendary maps, but I'm checking that out... Oh, and Red Hot Chili Peppers rule.
Thanks dude - If you guys do like the map when you read this, please give the thread over a a leg up - you know how quickly they get buried. Cheers, Sik.
Would we have it any other way? If you spawn behind the church, you can jump straight to the roof from the floor. If you're attacking, it's not quite that easy. (but it can be done, if you time it!)
You've taken an idea that you previously put an "end all" to, and created another unique map from it. You have some great ideas for the standard "house" ....I can't wait to see what you create on the new maps.
this is looking very sharp. right up there with haunted house/bart's manor by the looks of it i cant wait to get a good zombie game on this
Awesome! I loved Barts Manor/Haunted Manor in the Living Dead Playlist and I will love this! I think you should've put a ledge or a catwalk for were the choir would be to.
darn u beat me to the punch. I wanted to make a church type map for a while. The map looks great. I am dl for sure
I have to say that this looks really good. I had a idea for a church that I have been working but it way different then this tho. I will get back to ya with some stuff from my play-through later.
Ok I just played this and it was freaking awesome! If there is another infection playlist this better be included!
Haha, great sequal to Bart's Manor. I loved the nice aesthetics you had there and this one would have definately been harder to forge (more angular items). Also, did you consider fencing the graveyard? Most (fancy) churches have them fenced in, and it would be a great touch so we know what the doors are there for (if you haven't been here).