Debate You and your mind.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hari, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    When I sleep, it depends. i will think about stuff that happened the day before or that will happen if I'm running high with it in my head as I fall asleep, usually I can't fall asleep like that. I usually don't have any dreams while I'm sleeping. (I'm talking about ones I remember, it doesn't matter about ones you never know about). If I do have dreams though, I can always link it to something in my past day or future so I know I was thinking about it. I'll get random thoughts but I can always link them to what I was thinking about so its not really random.

    My head is kind of empty. I'll get moments where It seems I stop thinking and then I come back to myself, but I forgot what just happened.

    The point is, my random thoughts are always able to be linked to something so they aren't random and I know I thought of them or how I did.
    #21 DimmestBread, Sep 30, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2009
  2. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    one interesting theory i heard not to long ago was that: you are always dreaming, and your subconcious is always churning, but it is only durring sleep that you notice it because concious thought is so much brighter that it outshines the subconcious. not sure if its true, but a very interesting concept.
  3. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Ok, first off, Freud's theories are unproven. He also enjoyed doing coke, and he gave it to some of his patients as well (this is fact by the way, no need to argue). However, just because the existence of the Id, Ego, and Superego cannot be proven doesn't mean they do not exist, but it's similar to religion. We can't PROVE that god doesn't exist, but we can't prove he does either. The burden of proof, however, falls on those who say god DOES exist. Similarly, the burden of proof is on Freud and his followers to prove that the Psychoanalytic theoretical orientation is factual. As such, using the Id, Ego, or Superego in arguement bases your arguement on non-factual information, and the argument is invalid.

    As far as the ability to remove a construct from our thoughts, it simply is not possible. This is what separates humans from computers. If you tell a computer to no longer "think" about that picture of an apple, all you have to do is delete it. If you tell a person to not think about an apple, the first thing that comes to mind is an image of an apple. The only exceptions to this are in cases of extreme mental trauma, where the mind may blackout, or otherwise forget information. Neurologically speaking, once the mind has put meaning to something, (e.g. an apple is red), the neurons form a path, and if that path is ever taken again, by neurological impulses, the person thinks of an apple. Also, if the neurons fire for an apple, they will probably also fire for the color red, because they are similar in neurological pathways to one another. If a person thinks about grass, they will not usually think about the color red, because these pathways are not similar in structure.

    If we take this one step further, in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (hereby abbreviated as CBT) if someone doesn't want to think about the color red anymore a person is taught to think about grass (this is, of course a very rudimentary example). They might also be taught that the color of an apple is green, and that way, through reinforcement, and repetition, their neurons will eventually no longer take the pathway of apple -> red, but apple -> green.

    I hope this clears up some things about the human mind, psychology, and conciousness.
    #23 Devinish, Oct 1, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2009
  4. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    As according to the current conversation, what you posted is somewhat unrelated. What you are talking about is the physical brain. You are looking at it from a physical perspective in which the subconscious mind, which is the topic of this conversation, cannot even be defined.

    What we are in fact talking about is the subconscious as in when it applies to when you are fully conscious, not dreaming. More specifically, we are speaking of when you can't stop thinking about something, or when your thoughts go in a direction that you dont wish them to. Or when you are randomly feeling emotions you dont want to be. Those are the actions of the subconscious. And i never said anything about removing your subconscious because thats not possible. But you can block it out and prevent its actions on yourself through meditation.
  5. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Everything that happens in your mind is due to the firing of neurons, subconscious thoughts included.

    Also, a symptom of some mental illnesses is feeling emotions that are inappropriate for your environmental stimuli.

    And I also never said anything about removing the subconscious.
    #25 Devinish, Oct 2, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2009
  6. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    What were you talking about then?

    Also, if you think the mind is as simple as the firing of neurons, then you need to do a little research on the subject. Anyways, is it your intent to try and destroy and disrupt this thread? Because your posts seem to be heading in that direction. regardless of whether you believe whats in the thread, that doesnt mean your right and gives you no right to force your beliefs in an attempt to end the discussion.
  7. StrongJShot

    StrongJShot Ancient
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    This has probably been the most meaningful post I have read in quite sometime, it does not discuss politics or religion, does not lead to major arguments, and is very, very interesting.

    I would like to input that I agree with Predicide when he was referring to you having a very negative notion towards your "subconcious" or "mind", whatever you would like to refer to it as, and your very negative view of the world around us. Seeing the world around you as negative immediately causes your mind to have negative thoughts. Instead of looking at the flaws with the world, concentrate on the great things the world has to offer. It can be very difficult because, as I learned in a communication class, negative things are MUCH MUCH easier to notice than positive. I can't stand turning on the news because they only show negative stories because it gets peoples' attention. It isn't that there are no positive things being done, its just that people don't want to pay attention to it as much. I also believe that instead of trying to shut out your mind, simply don't act on the thoughts. In the 4th grade I was told, Self-Control is the single most important thing you will ever learn in your life. While I am not sure it is the most important, it is EXTREMELY important. People have no idea how to use Self-Control and I think a part of it is being able to not act on the thoughts your mind gives you.
  8. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    The construct can be whatever you want it to be, in my example I used a "red apple." That is a simple example, a more complicated example might be the conceptualization of time.

    My intent is NOT to destroy or disrupt the thread, but it IS to provide factual and relevant information in a subject where I have a specific expertise. I am certainly not trying to end the discussion or force my beliefs on you, because quite honestly, they aren't "my" beliefs, they belong to those who have done research in the area. I just happen to believe those beliefs.

    Though I will say the mind IS as simple firing neurons. Without the different neurotransmitters and the routes they travel, there would be not thought. It's like a computer trying to do calculations without electricity.

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