Please, for me, I would love it if you guys just went along for once with what I want. Could you give me a rough or detailed outline of a fantasy character I could use? I need some ideas, and could use any, since I am finally getting a Word Processor, and can write. Just write what you want, but make sure it is legible, has a few details, and isn't ****ing stupid.
Well... Just give me whatever you have. It may sound like stealing, but I just want to write a fantasy-Tolkien-esque series of stories. Fantasy stuff.
Oh...I only do real life characters, no super powers...unless you want one of those...You could always add the fantasy part later... and of course you can always use one of these
As I said, give me what you have. There really won't be "supernatural" in the stories other than a few oddities and quirks and such as in LoTR. Not overly used, just hinted at and awesome (the old definition of awesome is used here).
Lets see here...I could let you use this older character, I don't feel like digging up the notebook I wrote it in so I'll just type it up real quick. Male, mid-twenties(This could be set differently, idc), medium dark hair (Falls just above the eyes and is slightly longer in back), Hazel eyes, around 6'2, quick tempered and not quiet about it, has a hard time making friends because he is forthright and speaks his mind, is quick to take sides and to change them, always procrastinates until the last minute. Hope that helps...
Ooh, yes it does. Thank you, I'd love to hear more. (Mind you I am still in the midst of creating a language so I won't be using these soon.)
Lol, its k. Like I said, old character. I think his name was like Mike or something...I would give you the history but really all you need to know about him other than that is that he needs a reason to be so snappy and mean all the time.
Here I have one, his name is quasi lionhart, he is a werewolf, is 6'2, 180 lbs, has blond spiky hair, has a katana and uses magic to tame animals and turn into them (kinda like a druid of some type) He would be the strong and silent type of guy that just comes out of nowhere and saves someone and dissapears. He would also wear tattered robes. I thought this guy up a while ago, he was a spare character from the game I'm making but I decided not to use him.
Well, I certainly could use a variation of him, as some sort of mysterious, vague supporting character, but he would need to lose a few things.
I was actually vaguely referring to Twilight...Yeah, I know. Sometimes supporting characters are as important as the mc.
I've had thoughts of a character, never gave him a name, but I imagine it'd be something near old-english if anything. I can give physical and mental descriptions, but no names, I apologize for the inconvenience. Also keep in mind, some of it has back story to it, that will probably not relate to your story, once again I'll apologize, I'm just giving the character description, and without back story he isn't shaped the way he normally would be. Spoiler A man of a northern race, similar to that of the Swedes and Danes, chilling weather, and equally chilling personalities of the large brutish men. Twenty years prior his whole entire northern race of people were enslaved, taken over by soldiers, weaker, but with better technology. They were forced to become slave labor, as well as forced to burn down their cities, removing traces of what was their magnificent temples, and communal halls. Our hero was enslaved at the very young age of 3 years old, unable to defend from the onslaught. Years he constructed weapons for the other race, until one day he cracked, and ended up seriously wounding a guard. He is locked up for his attack, forced to hang from his wrists on the walls. One day a series of fortunate events fell upon him, as the guards were lazy in locking him up, and his left hand was able to slip out of the cuff. he was then able to brutally crush the guard's head, steal the key, and free himself. Quickly escaping from the slave camp he runs to a neighboring race. They have no quarrel with either side in it, and are actually in growing tensions with the side that enslaved the northerners. He is accepted as a refugee in their city, where he wishes to learn to become a warrior, as his people were. Rather than just being trained in brute strength he was trained in magic, and became proficient in both. We leave our hero four years after his escape, fully trained and attempting to organize a mass prison break. To get some background of his race you must realize that they are very isolationist, disallowing any other race but their own to enter temples and communal halls. They have always been warriors, and while accepting of magic, they prefer strength. Arts are seen as a lowly position, at least before the enslavement, afterward they gained appreciation for the beauty of the weapons they forge, lightening up the dark mood that falls over the slave camps. Physically he is a tall man, very wide built. He has medium length hair, and a full beard. While having facial hair would normally not seem like an odd task for a northern dwelling race, it is in theirs. Their race actually has heat pores that capture all warmth to heat their head, hair is grown on warriors, because as adrenaline is used in this race, the extra sugars and compound secrete in the form of hair, so a seasoned warrior would normally have a full head of hair. He wears a simple tunic and cloak, and carries a broadsword. So that's an idea of one, but then again it may have too much backstory to work.
I may be able to incorporate some form of him into the stories after my first one. He definitely could exist, I just don't know how to use him. Sounds wonderful, and it's fine that you have no name for him, I just don't know how to use him. Thank you.
What parts would need to change? You were kind of vague in your description of the settup, is it like a fantasy story like lord of the rings, or is it more along the lines of final fantasy-ish where there is technology and magic, or is there no magic what-so-ever. If there isn't magic he could just be good with animals and have an uncontrollable temper (or be schizophrenic) I could come up with more characters too if you want.