This is a map i have been working on for a while know, actually i think i have been working on it since Bungie day which is pretty cool. I honestly intended the map to be an FFA map but while i was creating the map it became more of a team map. After building and rebuilding many things i found the structures that best fit the map and go with the flow of everything else. The map is meant for Team Slayer, KOTH, CTF and maybe assault. Weapons have not been put on yet and i think i may still need to build a stucture or two. Blue Side Red Side Red Base Blue Base
I really like this map. Looks good gameplay wise and aesthetic wise. I think the two walls the cut off some view points are a real nice touch and will probably very well fend off spawn killing. Many Sandbox maps are completely wide open but I'm glad you added large structures to fight that. Good job.
That was the most stereotypical comment I have ever heard in my life. Anyways, my view on the map. Architecturally, good job. But as a whole, does this map in any way break the mold, at all. As in, would people like myself keep this map on our hard drive for a good reason? I mean, it's a very very unoriginal Sandbox map. It's not necessarily your fault, it's hard to be creative on the base level on Sandbox, it really is. I hope you can add something to truly break the mold on this map. Because as of now, I'm not seeing anything special and I mean that in the best way possible.
Whats special about my map? Well that i cant really answer and i dont really care. I like that you have an opinion and i know that some people are going to think that about my map. But so far in my map I see structures that i have never seen before, awesome bases and some kickass gameplay... Im not saying my map is very unique, I just think its the best slayer map i have made and I just want to share it. Also, I know it sounds stupid but i dont care if people dont want to keep it on their hard drive for a long time, all i want is for people to play on it alteast once, and have fun with the map.
And I understand that, and I agreed that your architecture was nice, not to mention your set up looks clever. But I'm looking for something that'll really define your map against others, normally an aesthetic piece can do this. How many items do you have currently have left, perhaps a giant ark going across the whole map, or an enormous pillar at the very center that continues upward as far as you can see.