Nuance Forged by Flame Sama Supported Gametypes: Anything, though I think Slayer is a game of choice here. Map Description Nuance is centered around two bases, a ground attackers base and an air defenders base. The ground base gets a somewhat complex layout of shield doors and double boxes to create a small fortress, it's built into the one of the bases of Foundry. While my base, the air base, uses a blend of floating fence boxes, shield doors, bridges, stairs and walls to create a (nearly) unbreakable base. Rather than try to explain the layout, I figured I'd just show some pics. _________________________________________________ Me and my teammate spawn at the ground base, under fire from above. A view of the air base from the front, showing off all the enterances. A view of part of their base, the ghost spawn, the ramp, the bridge, etc... Me rocketing a dirty attacker at his base while he's in a Ghost. Me scoring a two for one on the enemy team (It was 2v2) A view of me and my teammate holding the fort, so to speak. A pic of the exit of the ground base tunnels, that teleporter leads outside the map, somehow my cousin created it on accident while forging ground base. A view of another part of ground base, nothing to see here really... Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na... A pic of my base's 'batcave'. _________________________________________________ I hope you enjoy the creation and leave any comments or questions here. -FS Link to map, now connected to a forum post.
Looks strange...I can't really get a feel for it from the screen shots, oh, and images 2 and 3 are the same image...URL confusion probably...
u always have time. post a day later, but dont just give us a link to ur fileshare. go read the sticky and they give some detailed reasons y
Okay, I added three more pictures of the map and fixed the link. I forgot to mention, all three map creators were in that game. Me and one of my cousins created our base, (we were red team) and my other cousin added the teleporter out of the map (he was one of the blues, the one getting a rocket to the face in screen 4). We all formulated this map in a split-screen, I'm the only one with XBL.