Sandbox Anubis v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Blocker, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Blocker

    Blocker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Anubis v3.1

    Anubis v3.1
    by Blocker

    Thanks to McAnarchy, Carl, Humanity, Limey, PulseKiller, Stunnah, Will Key, and Maze for helping with testing; giving opinions, suggestions and criticism; and for being interested enough for me to care about finishing this map.

    Recomended Gametypes:
    CTF (Set up for Slayer, KotH, and Oddball as well)

    I created a new thread for this version for a variety of reasons. My previous thread hasn't received a reply in 2 months, and bumping it won't help me get the amount of views I'm looking for. Also, there are very few objects that haven't been moved, changed, or modified from the first version. The sheer amount of improvement in my forging since version 1, coupled with the massive renovations the map has undergone, has caused the map to look and play extremely different from version 1.

    This map was designed with the main goal of creating an inverse-symmetrical, 2-base MLG map that plays CTF really well. The map is mainly influenced by Sanctuary, which you can see in the bases, middle, and overall layout. There are also influences from Warlock and The Pit. I used ideas and strengths of these "influences" to create and design an original map that accomplishes my main goal. I have been working on this map for 6 months, and unless there is an overwhelming amount of support or popularity for this map, I am done working on it. When I first started on the map, I had no previous experience making maps and I learned everything on my own. The entire map has been a learning experience for me, and the development of the map through each version shows how much I have progressed as a forger. Version 2 was not released because I never had a chance to test spawns, and I just began working on a version 3.

    Weapons List:
    2 Snipers(Located on either end of the middle divider)
    1 Active Camouflage(Located top middle/ring 2)
    2 Carbines(Located on ramps to top mid)
    6 BRs(Located top tower, on the pillar at bottom tower, and snipe side of bottom flag)
    4 Plasma Grenades(2 below each flag)
    8 Frag Grenades (2 in front of each "thing" and 2 on each mid-tower)

    Updates: (Pics show the evolution of the map)
    Version 2

    • Removed back walls and geo'd base into the crypt walls.
    • Raised lights.
    • Removed back tower ramp and created a wrap-around ramp.
    • Raised top mid.
    • Replaced "maze" with a fin.
    • Added a "bump" top mid to still allow a jump into the Obelisk.

    Version 2.1

    • Added bottom middle.

    Version 3

    • Completely redid the sides, from the tower to the opposite snipe.
      • Removed tube.
      • Added mid tower.
      • Connected back tower ramp to mid tower.
      • Created a catwalk from mid tower to opposite snipe spawn.
      • Added a catwalk ramp.
    • Condensed many structures to save budget.
    • Added tunnel below snipe spawn.
    • Added cover below flag spawn.
    • Replaced fin with a "thing."

    Version 3.1

    • Ring 3 tubes pushed out so you can now only walk on half of ring 3 at a time.
    • Ring 3 tubes pushed up so you can no longer jump to ring 4 without a grenade.
    • Snipe jump ups slightly elevated.

    Red Overview:

    Blue Overview:

    Top Tower:

    Top Middle:

    The "Thing":

    Epic Geo that lost its flavor about 2 weeks ago...

    Bottom Tower:

    Side Overview:

    New Mid-tower and Catwalk:

    New Catwalk and Snipe Spawn:

    New Bottom Mid:
    #1 Blocker, Sep 21, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2009
  2. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seriously how has no one commented on this yet??
    Well, maybe becuase it was only posted 20 minutes ago. But thats too long! You have forced me to come out of my hole and tell you how sick this map looks. Honestly after looking at the pics, i could see the improvement of your forging skills, as well as the quality of the map. For instance, the change from [the tube hallway leading from each base to the ground floor] to [the arch way] is a great change from v2 to v3 (<== hope that made sense). This looks like it plays beautifully. I really want to play a game on this soon. I will play a few games on this and return wit ha review.

    And again, map looks great, forging is fantastic, very aesthetically pleasing, and i love the changes to v3. HUGELY different. in a good way
  3. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good map and good post because i love your concept to put the picture of youre old version ! Thats great and good merging for youre map i give you a downloads !
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That was a good idea to show differences between each version. I love the use of ghost glitching you incorporated into this map along with the improvements that make the map look more aesthetically pleasing. All the improvements that you made since the first version amaze me. The materials and budget you saved and the extra touches used just caught my eye and inspired me.

  5. Blocker

    Blocker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Updated with Version 3.1.
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Haha, nice. Anyway, I cant say much about this map other than I wanted to comment because of that little thing right there. It was really funny, and I dont see why its not cool... Anyway, this is the seventh map Im gonna test tonight.

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