Map Title: CounterPlan Short DescriptionInfection map, Need to work together to win, and last 30mins. Stick together! Gametype:Gametype Map: Map Description: Alpha Zombie Traits: Weapons: Swords Health: 100% No Shields. Regenerate (100%) Speed: 125% (15% Faster then the reg zombies.) Jump: 100% Regular. Zombie Traits: Weapons: Swords Health: 100% No shields, Regenarate (100%) Speed: 110% Jump: 100% Regular. Humans Weapons: Magnums Health: 100% Shields, Regenerate (100%) Speed: 100% Regular. Jump: 100% Regular. Items on Map: Mauler Fire Grenade Frag Grenade Plasma Grenade Spike Grenade Deployable Cover Trip Mine Energy Sword Turrent Shotgun Battlerifle Gravity Hammer Sniper This is a Decently hard game where you have to WORK togather to win, else your all get wiped out. You spawn in the command room, where then in 45seconds a gravity lift (pickable) Spawns. Which will get you too the upper level.After that theres a bit of weapons/grenades for your journey. After 120seconds Stairs spawn, helping the zombies get too you. Go off too where theres 2 barrels, 2 small barrels, jump off and follow that path. Then you destroy the wooden crates grab weapons etc you need. Then Camp there till the gravity lift spawns (pickable). Then go to the side with teh pallet and jump over the short barrier and your done! Doubtly you will camp long, everyrhing doesn't respawn, so dont break turrent . Have Fun. Pictures:
Ah, but that gets into the issue of people's TVs. I personally have a very bright TV, so gloomy just looks a bit overcast. But, on my cousin's TV, gloomy on Blackout would be like playing in the dark. I suppose this is an issue many mapmakers will become intimately familiar in the very near future. However, there is a certain validity to being able to convey a "feeling" to people. Perhaps if Bungie had hardwired something in, such as the ability on a per-person basis to turn the screen effects off while in map or something....just a though.
This map looks hard, yet kewl. May be difficult to organise this game as the halo community is generally not made up of people willing to devote half an hour to one game.
That would make things a bit more unfair. If everyone else has theirs turned on and it's really dark for them then the guy that turns them off will have an easy time In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. Anyway, que'd or download will comment on map once I've played through.
The best combination for a zombies map (To make it darker) is, in my opinion, the black and white one plus Juicy. Makes the map slightly darker but not too dark.
I don't like the old timey look, and the spawns are all in a heap with no strategic placement whatsoever, same with the weapons. Spread them out a bit. Make the weapons a risk to get to, and make it so the spawns don't just face the wall like that.