I quit making screenshots about 3 months ago so I am planning on making a new guide to almost every Blackout Sig effect you can think of. I deleted all my screenshot maps so if anyone has one can you please Send me a Friend request on my account. The gamertag is iEamonn Look for the guide to be out by November 1st I know this is in the wrong section but nobody looks in the other ones so yeah. Oh if you dont know who I am I made the "Canada" Pic and the Special Olympics one. lols
I didn't go to school at all last year so screenshots passed the time.. i would do like 3 hours of screenshots a day and 4 hours of MLG playlist.. then parents cut my time down so I just used my time playing MLG instead. Mine as well make a guide for everyone.. It will be EXTREMELY detailed.
Alright, I would suggest making as big of a guide as you can, specifically because a lot of new people would go and bump completely dead threads about the simplest effects. You DO remember me... don't you? EDIT: about screenshot maps, I'll get a few to you on Friday.
yeah i know de behr has some sick ****. not going to make tutorials for those because Im still not going to be making screenshots. Just a guide.
Eamonn? Geez, I haven't talked to you in a while. I remember meeting up with you in the MLG playlist a couple months ago. I don't have any screenshot maps, but I'll look forward to the release of your tutorial.
Yea his effect isnt that great in my opinion. Its just new so people will like it for a while, then theyll get over it.
Delirium, why don't you share your techniques with him so that his thread will turn out better? Bashing his shots does nothing but belittle you.
Um im not bashing, if you can read i said that He does not know ALL the effects. And neither do I, but im not the one making a guide....
Exactly. There is NO ONE that knows ALL the effects. By common sense, you should know that, no need to post about it.
hes not going to show me them or whatever because me and him dont like eachother.. had a fight way back when... anyways at delirium obviously im not going to know all the effects seeing as I havent been making them since like june rapkilla and de behr know almost all of em i think
No I know all the effects except for 1. Which is De Behrs effect. But i dont even really like it so i dont care
Eamon what happened to me being on your friends list? =O and why'd you stop, you were one of the better sig makers... Also, RapKilla and DeBehr know every effect im pretty sure but I can promise you they won't tell you to release to the public because they wouldn't do that... They've got bigger secrets than most people know of...
read the first post explains why i dont make em anymore.. anyways can someone like actually give me the maps. I need the one that is above BR 3.. delerium u gave me it back in the day.