I've found myself hunting for a (legitimate) 50 for 2 years now, and only the other day i managed to hit 47 (woop woop!) but for some reason after this moment of progression, i seem to match up with the most retarded players of all time on halo, in every playlist. I mean, this morning i was playing team snipers, my first game, i went negative because i had yellow bar, i headshotted this 1 guy stood still, it took the third bullet to actually snipe him... wtf? so i quit, which is fair enough.. i didnt want to be the mega negative on the team to cause other players to lose. MY BAD. Every other game after that i went positive and sometimes very positive.. yet i lose because of team mates? WHY??? I also find that Bungie dont like me very much, when i play games that i host, some of my shots still dont register.. my connection is hosted yet my shots dont count and some peoples shots count instantly because my connections instant... hence i dont benefit from hosting. When i lag however, people's bullets still count instantly on me, and my shots dont register at all hardly... Once again, i dont benefit, this time from bad connection. When other people lag, i once again dont benefit... (surprise surprise) because theyre teleporting everywhere and my shield just disappears, they disappear, i die, they reappear and walk off... WTF? Still on the subject of bungie not liking me very much... i won a match not so long ago, and i got ranked down! The guy on the enemy team who was still in post game lobby burst out laughing and simply said "Dude, Bungie hates you." My reply... "Dude, I know ." Only the other day, every sticky grenade thrown in my general direction, stuck me, despite when the sticky grenade actually missed it would either jolt onto me, or teleport onto me. Which my mates found hilarious in customs, because even when they deliberately aimed to miss me with the sticky grenade it still travelled sideways and stuck to me. So i've come to the conclusion bungie doesnt want me to have a legitimate 50 at all it just wants boosters to have the pleasure of demolishing the reputation of 50s by being complete and utter BK's like the people i was playing with this morning. Sorry for the random rambling, but i find this rather funny and wonder if any else suffers from bungieism?
This has nothing to do with Bunige. If your connection is not perfect, you may experience some lag. Getting a 50 by yourself can be tricky. Maybe find some of your friends that are on a similar skill level and have them help you get your 50.
did you read all of the post? I know my connection isnt perfect, but even when i host the match.. other people benefit. I play swat often enough and thats the only time EVER where i can benefit from being host, but even sometimes then it doesnt register my bullets.. Also i've found bungie's new plan.. They're experimenting with COD4 physics of bullets travelling through walls.. its apparently updated to matchmaking already, because ive died 12 times today from bullets hitting walls and actually killing me Also explain to me why i'd go down in rank after winning a match? :S
Do you realise that bitching and moaning about **** that isn't necessarily the developers fault will accomplish nothing? Lag is a result of a shitty connection. Not registering a hit is a result of lag. Maybe having host has nothing to do with it? Maybe you just aren't that great of a player? Did you think about that? Once again, blame your Fisher Price connection. Not the developer. Ask Micro$oft. They made the ranking system.
When you lose all of a sudden after having great teammates, then all of a sudden starting to lose cause of teammates, means you've got to get some skill by yourself. I constantly go off on my own with the weapons I need and a Mongoose, therefore doing great with or without teammates, unless I'm facing the other team which are all great. Point is, never rely to have good teammates unless you play 8 vs 8, where power comes in numbers. And, lag usually happens because a) there are EXTREMELY mixed connection (as in, on person has green bar, one a has red, one has yellow, so on) and the green ones (always I never get lag anymore) always look at the others running into a wall. That means that other people have awesome connection, while you are really walking into a wall cause of your shitty connection, and they look at you, thinking you are stupid and a noob and start shooting you. Plus, everyone has a little touch of bungie hating them. You apparently have self-controlled grenades. I have bad recoil. My friend is shorter than he should be on his screen, by a bit.
lol well, i enjoyed reading people bitching at me for this post.. because they obviously dont suffer from any of the listed above. And to TehRandomBoi, yeah i always play with randomers and i succeed on my own, i can usually carry one or two people depending how negative they go.. But when all 3 team mates go negative, every game, for 12 games running.. it gets kinda annoying that bungie pairs me with them. And to Scobra, just fyi, Bungie made the matchmaking system, so i CAN hold them responsible for poor matchmaking. After all, putting a team of 4 50s randomly together and then putting me (a 47) with a 42 39 and 38.. doesnt really seem fair, am i wrong?