You choke under pressure, he didn't choke, he made a mistake. I see betrayals every season so this is barely a mistake if he still capped. And if a splatter spree with a warthog got #1, why can't this make it in.
I actually think you have a good chance of making it. And the "choke" with the flag isn't your fault at all because rockets were there so I think its fine. Great clip, good luck.
I think is said this earlier in the thread but one guy said it would've been better had i looked for the killtac. A CHOKE would've been had i done that and went for the flag and it reset. I mean hasn't anyone seen the top ten were the guy "has a shaky br, but his beatdowns are pro" -pucket. Just cause the first part of the clip was him failing the br doesn't mean his sexy assasinations don't make up for it.
Everyone who thinks tis clip is top 10 worthy please spport it on mlg pro. The link to the thread is on the bottom of the OP. PleAse help keep it alive. Thanks alot for all the support forgehub!
nice clip definatly worthy of the submission, i cant really pull that off i might get it but it would usualy be luck