Our fun is over, since Christmas is here, millions of 10 year olds are now opening a game for Xbox 360, unfortunately, that game is called: Halo 3. On X-Box Live we will soon here little kids screaming and whining, their high-pitched voices screaching at the top of their lungs, like chalk on a chalk board, the glitchers in the game will be triple the amount there are now, tons of betrayals will be happening, suiciding will be more popular than dying to another person. We will suffer and be tortured by the little chimpmunk voices of the 10 year olds. WE. WILL. SUFFER. Hope you guys have enjoyed your days of playing X-box Live from September 25th to December 25th, now all hell breaks loose.
Time to retreat to customs, and the bastion of good taste that is forge hub. The apocalypse is upon us...
Thats...horrible, We're screwed...Fill up your friends list while you still can, get the last few seconds of matchmaking in...Although this is a chance to get our skills to 50 pwning the little noobs. ALL HOPE IS NOT LOST!!
Yeah, PWN THE 10 YEAR OLDS BEFORE THEY PWN US! Wer're going to hear: "A is jump, right?" That's when we know we win.
Not just that, theres gonna be stuff like: I JUST PICKED UP TWO POWERUPS, IM GONNA USE THEM!!!! *Throws sticky at wall infront of them, then a firebomb grenade* or MAYBE IF WE STAY RIGHT NEXT TOGETHER THEY WONT FIND US!!!! *Throws sticky in the middle of the group* OOOO!! POWERUP!!! *Double kill, Triple kill, Overkill, Extermination*
......sh** im going to play now. im lvl 35, better hurry, maybe they wont play till tomarrow?? we can mute them maybe, or maybe they wont let us and friendly kill us. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttt
In CoD4, which I got today, almost everyone is either a 5 year old Brit, or a 10 year old American. I quote: Him "You up for some halo later?" Me "Uh... no." Him "Well I can show you a way to get all the Lone Wolf achievements" Me "I don't cheat" Him " Oh..."
I LOVE 10 year olds, they are the coolest people to play with. When they complain about things it just makes me SO HAPPY. There is nothing that makes my day like joining a matchmaking game with a 10 year old!! Oh my gosh im going to go get on right now in hopes of playing with one! -Donuts
The end is near with ball less kids and high pitched voices that should shut there lids Forge will be ruined with loads of crap Coming from all those who nap My ears will fall apart in pain from voices soft with high refrain Immaturity is the new disease flooding xboxlive with simple ease Teh Us3 of teh f-bomb W1LL R1S3 along W1TH L337 speak we despise -I can't wait folks...to kill myself, thank goodness bungie added the mute button