Mythic II DLC Defend on the Thing

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Xuloz, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Xuloz

    Xuloz Ancient
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    This is a Infection map. I tried to build a boat, and when I finished I realized I didn't have the talent to construct one. So I call it the Thing.

    This is a fun map to play on, because you can go underwater, and ontop of the Thing. It supports up to 16 players, but it's more fun 4-8 players. I put enough spawn points incase you do happen to have 16 players.

    Everybody has 1 life, even the Zombies. Two Zombies start out, but you can change the setting to ONE if you find it hard or annoying. Humans spawn with the human pistol. There are weapons on the map, but they do not respawn, and they have limited ammo. Most of the weapons have 0 spare clip, although the shotgun has one spare clip.

    Regular settings, no grenades. No shields.

    Zombies: Shields, no recharge. Able to pick up weapons and equipment, although wouldn't help much, would rather stick to sword :D. Their forced color is Black, and have poor camo.

    Map Variant:

    Game Variant:


    Overview - The Overview of the map. You can see the bridge that goes up to the Thing. There are multiple ways up for the zombies to trick the humans.


    Human Spawn - The Humans spawns on top of the Thing. This picture also shows the BR, Assault Rifle, SMG, Sniper Rifle, Turret, and Needler. It also kinda shows two fusion cores located right below the turret.


    Zombie Spawn - The Zombie spawns below the Thing, and it is almost pitch black. The closer you are to the enemy the better you can see them down there.


    Above Zombie Spawn - This picture shows the outline of the underwater pathways, they aren't 100% correct, but you should be able to find out. The RED dot is a radar jam. The white outline is the edges of the bottom. The BLUE line is a shield door.


    Underwater Hallway - This is the main Underwater Hallway. This is also the area where the shotgun can be found, and an alternative way to get up to the Thing.


    Close - This shows how easy it to see someone CLOSE to you, while you are underwater.


    Medium - This shows it alittle futher away.


    Far - This shows it 1 double box away. (Notice the lights on the armour)


    Map Variant:

    Game Variant: : Halo 3 File Details

    1. I put the Map Variant and the Game Variant on top and bottom of my post so you don't have to look for it.
    2. It may seem hard to see underwater, but an easy way to guide yourself to the thing is to look down slightly, and you should see the objects you are standing on. Also, if you look for the mancannons on the Thing they show you where the Thing is, incase your going the wrong way.
    3. The shotgun is in the underwater hallway, near the shield door part. You have to jump to see it. It's not entirely hidden, just jump and you should find it.
    4. So far it is impossible to break the map, as in jump inside of the map, but if you find a break please tell me. I'd appreciate it :D.
    6. Have fun. My first map posting on here.
    #1 Xuloz, Sep 30, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2009
  2. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    no offence, but this seems rather generic. A human base and the zombies try and break it. It's been done and done better, though i could be compleatlly wrong, considering there was only 2 pics of the base. However, the best versions of this are well thought out and give both the humans and zombies a fun yet fighting chance. this seems more thrown together.

    All that being said, i really like how you use the effect of the watter. More then that though, it's the idea of using the watter as a vision blocker. i can foresee many maps coming out revolving around that.

    unfortunately, i can't DL to see if I'm right because I'm way to cheap to buy ODST, but really, it seems like more effort could have been put forth. However, i would be delighted to be proved wrong.
  3. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    Dude, how do you put objets under water? Because when I try it, they disapear.
  4. Irish Paddys

    Irish Paddys Ancient
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    how did you make it so that you can survive underwater?
  5. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    Fairly easily, its the same as saving and quitting to make an object stay in mid air.
    They float naturally on the surface, although saving and quitting for posistioning makes them far easier to use afterwards for placing things on and around.
  6. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    ok the map does look rather badly forged, but i do have to admit the underwater objects is epic.

    the map could be alot better merged, and that looks like it would affect gameplay.

    but overall a good map.

    well done for longshore.
  7. PedoPandas

    PedoPandas Ancient
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    At first, I thought longshore wouldn't bring anything new, but seeing the underwater objects changed my mind. Back to the map, it looks fairly simple. Good job on creativity!
  8. Xuloz

    Xuloz Ancient
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    Dont put the objects to far underwater, you gotta know where the death barrier is down there, because that may be what is causing your objects to be deleted. Save & quit method.

    When I forge, I ALWAYS have a second controller plugged in, and I put him in a spot where I want something to be. Then I use my other char and move the object around him so I can see from his perspective and see if the object is compeletly straight and lined up. With the other objects underwater.

    I wish I could of had a bigger human base, but the barriers around the map weren't that big so I had to work with that, and if I were to build the base one double box where the bridge is, then it would of been possible to jump back into the map. :( I tried though.
    #8 Xuloz, Sep 30, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2009
  9. johnlmonkey

    johnlmonkey Ancient
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    This map isnt very original but im glad theres a few map out there that utilize the underwater gameplay on longshore. its ok i guess
  10. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah like Joe said i do you but object in the water because i try to do it with the ghost merging tricks but it doesnt worked !
  11. ParaEmbeR 33

    ParaEmbeR 33 Ancient
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    Very nice use of that under water glitch! It looks pretty cool. Anyways, The base looks ok, and like satan130 said, it is a very bland, overused idea. Still pretty cool though. Keep up the good work!

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