Okay some of you may think its useless but some of you may know about shooting and it moving, thats all great and all untill you run out of ammo. Me and a friend have a method of using the boats to get under the map, in matchmaking. I may get a video up soon from forge because its pretty hard to do in matchmaking because your likely to get shot If any of you know what im on about then keep it to yourself, not many people do
I was seriously JUST about to post up a video showing my discovery of that... I was about to press "New Thread"... I probably still will do it with a video showing how to do it.
didnt they take out the boats in matchmaking? i remember that they werent there when i was in team mythic.
**** they're gone -.-. Stupid snipers can't just use the boats what the were meant for: underdogging.
I think its great that bungie adds this kind of stuff. It makes for interesting forges (eg. a boat king of the hill or an infection game based on the boats).
wiat...so do you actually get under the map where no one can hurt you? or are you just there in a boat? be nice if they made like a somewhat-armored boat for it. crouch down and have cover, then come back up and fire from your boat as you make your escape......
Check the top left corner of the latest post next time you post. You just bumped a 4-week-old thread. But its understandable for new people to do that some times. I wouldn't be too worried.