May I ask why everybody (I know atleast) is going insane over getting the vidmaster acheievements for Recon armor. I just don't think it is that important, in my opoinion I think the head looks almost as bad bumble bee armor (security head). The shoulders are alright, not my favorite though. The chest is pretty cool though. All and all, I don't think it's worth vidmasters. All I could see wearing it for is to show of you have it, but considering everybody has it now it seems pointless. EDIT: It doesn't give people the reason for spamming M2AFARP And begging for help though I said no 6 times.
Well, its part of the game. Trying to achieve and get the armor. I personally love the looks, but could care less if i had it. Like orange said, we view the topic by our opinions.
Because it's Recon, and because no one had it before then. That's your opinion, as you said, and you're entitled to it. Read above. Opinion. Bungie does, and when it comes to making a decision about releasing armor to the public, they don't need to even have your opinion on the matter. There are other reasons Recon is worn. Many people love the look of Recon, not just the exclusivity of it. Overall, I just don't think this thread should exist; your OP is written out like a blog, and there's a place for that in your profile, no need to create a thread.
It's because of the shoulder pieces. No doubt. lol. No really recon isn;t that great, I agree. It was sort of cool until ODST because of it's raredy but it was almost annoying to wear with all the noobs screaming about it and what not.. Only few can actually say they earned it though, cause achievements are nothing compared to the other ways you could have gotten it. Winning contests, being on bungie front page so many times, being the first to do something amazing etc.
It has better looks than most armors. I think the real reason most people want it is to be closer to Bungie because they're awesome. The reason I want it is to say I have it, the other reason is to be able to gloat about how I totally beat those "hard" achievements. Honestly, I would replace my shoulder and chest with it, at least I think, but I won't wear the helmet, maybe once cause I want to see what it would look like in all orange...
I'm not getting the Vidmasters for Recon. I am only getting them so I can finally have 1000/1000 GS on a game for the first time. (At least these ones fall into the relm of possibility.)
I like the way Recon looks. I'm not crazy about it I just wanted it. What does bother me are those stupid little 8 year olds that flip when they see Recon and send you friend requests and spam messages asking for help.
OK this is a pretty weak argument. This is ;like saying that you shouldn't get the Spartan Graduate, Used Cars Salesman, or the Mongoose Mowdown achievements because they unlock an armor. Why did everyone what Katana and Security helmet so bad? Because they want to have all the armor, and all the achievements.
I love how all my friends are like, "DOOD U R HAZ 2 HALP MEE NAO CUZ WE R WANT REKAWN RITE???///??1111!" And then I say, "It's just an armor. I don't want to get them right now, I want to beat the campaign first, and I'm only on Kizingo Plaza." Then (my favorite part) is when they say "BUT DOOD ITZ REKAWN :O." Then I just say, "And...?" Then I get kicked from the party.
LOL! There arent 5,000,000 of these threads though... Let people go crazy over Recon, they will get over it. Because in the end, its just armor... Does it really matter? Popularity shouldnt be a factor to wearing armor, your opinion on how it looks is what matters.
Totally agree. Its the same thing with hybusa, or it used to be. Anyway i admit some people think Recon looks cool but most people brag about it