For all Nintendo DS owners

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MealonX, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i bought my ds solely for playing pokemon diamond. I played the f*** out of it last summer (i got over 300 hours in on pokemon) but since then it's been collecting dust... i'll pick it up again someday.
  3. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    DS Games

    As for Wi-Fi DS games, let's see:

    Mario Kart DS
    Metroid Prime: Hunters (fun until the DS Action Replay came out)
    Diddy Kong Racing DS (not as fun as the N64 original, but fun nonetheless)

    Last, I refuse to call Pokemon a game. Rather, it's a way of life. :D
    I have Diamond and Pearl, but my Diamond's my main version with my IV/nature/hidden power bred and EV trained monsters. ;)

    Isn't it sad that most of us still play Pokemon? Or is it even more disturbing that we admit we play it?
  4. superguh007

    superguh007 Ancient
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    I think we're all ashamed to admit it because it was a fad back when we were young. I think I was in, like, 1st grade when Pokemon got popular. Especially since it's marketed as a kid's game, I feel a little juvenile playing it. But really, it's pretty awesome once you get past all the cutesy stuff on top (no offense to those that play it for the cutesy stuff :D).

    You IV farm? That's cool, I've never met someone on a not Pokemon forum who does all the intense stuff. I barely have the patience for IV farming... my Swampert is the only one I did it with, and I have, like, 3 boxes full of Mudkipz now :rolleyes:
  5. Ryuuketsu

    Ryuuketsu Ancient
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    You know, i wonder how many people actually adhere to the "for backups only" rule. It's not like the feds can check it or anything... And no, i dont imply that i do that, i dont use roms.
  6. RMLol

    RMLol Ancient
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    Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

    By far the best game for airplane/road trips.
  7. BanditK

    BanditK Ancient
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    i think the reason pokemon wasa "fad" in the day as because i wasnt that hard to beat and unless you had lots of freinds with the game. there was no point in playing after you beat it. i remeber after i beat blue version i started useing gameshark heavily and doing every glitch i can find just to make the game fun but that screwed the game up. no we have all the EVs and IVs and advanced s*** that seperated the more skilled plaers form the noobs for example i was facing the one guy where i had my best team out and i lost to one of this guys pokemon all he used was gyrados and return that was before i new about evs and ivs and stuff. and i have over 500 hours played my poke game can anyone beat that i doubt it.
  8. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    phantom hourglass, pokemon, mario kart, Mario 64 and Hopefully Guitar Hero will be sick cause im counting on it to be :]

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