Not only have bungie made walls gay as owt, they have decided their going to carry the trend to longshore, with fricking double boxes. GBY Bungie ;l Anyone else experienced this? In neanderthall: Bungie hasnt fixed the problem they had with the walls in Sandbox and the problem has now got onto the Longshore double boxes.
Oh, well, I haven't had time to do extensive forging on Longshore, but if it's prevalent, that'll really suck.
you do no it does this on every map it is just most evident on the two objects. It's all because of the complexity of the forge engine so unless u can create the script to solve quantisation (the poshh term for objects moving after being saved) then share it with the world but otherwise just get on wth it. We've all dealt with it for 2 years and we have still made great maps despite the various drawbacks of quantisation.
Well, it's not something to kill yourself over. No-clipping (also known as Ghost-Merging) prevents this from happening. So, if you want to make a good map, Lern2noclip.
In order to save greatest quantities of data possible in order to preserve space, objects are saved as a set of numerical numbers representing them and their placement. So every time you save, it is not necessarily saving the object how you see it, but how it's position is being transcribed. That's why objects that can spawn different colors don't remain the same color, if you don't tap your right and left triggers before placing an item and just let it tilt on another, it will save in the position of the teardrop, but not the direction you visually saved it as, along with many other examples. Unfortunately, this was a programming decision (and Bungie did not foresee Forge reaching the heights it has) and in order to remedy this comparatively small issue, they'd basically corrupt the game and make all previously saved and created maps and other aspects incompatible with the game. For Neanderthals: Deal with it. Reality is gay as owt.
Do you actually know what your talking about? I know how to noclip and ghostmerging does not fix this, AT ALL ;l
There's always another option; Don't use the objects that are annoying you. (Am I the ONLY person who understands "Gay as Owt"?)
Quit your bitching kid, and learn how to compose a post like a normal human being with a modicum of intelligence. No one's going to take you seriously when you write stupid **** like "gay as owt", whatever the hell that means. Every decent forger knows how to work around this problem already, by the way.