MLG Raw This is the very beginning to my newest Work-in-progress. I recently have learned the "No-clip" glitch and have been exploiting it where possible. So far i have about 12% done, I'm not completely Finished. This is a symmetrical Map so basically the otherbase will look the same. ScreenShots: Blue Base(Still Working on) BlueLift(Something that i haven't really seen in MLG maps) BlueStreet Suggestions? Problems? Ideas? Rates? Remember I've only spent about 8 hours total, and it isn't nearly finished, just a preview
A very good start to the map and it looks very clean. One suggestion i have for your map though is to try to limit as muchas you can seeing from side of the cript to the other as much as possible. e.g someone on blue street shouldn't really be able to shoot at someone on red street (when its built) This is because the cript is bigger than foundry and where cross map br battles on foundry were rare i think they shouldn't be in sandbox maps at all because at range the spray effect of the br makes it near impossible to kill someone in under 1 clip of br shots.
Yeah there are going to be many other structures that will block blue street to red street. but there will be structures(such as Top mid) that enemies will be able to fire down on blue street and red street.
what i'm saying is to just be careful that there isn't to many long sight lines. Too many will spoil your map
*Update*: name = MLG Lanthanium(to lie beneath) Worked on blue base(upper), made snipe spawn, worked on top mid a lil'.started red street. Screenshots: ***Reserved***