So, my friend got RROD. I'm extremely serious about this. His box's lights are blinking right now as we speak, but we're playing L4D. I'm 100% serious, we are literally playing L4D with a RROD box. Lights are on and everything. 3 lights, blinking and we're killin zombies online right now. I'll post pictures later. My friend too a video too so maybe a video too. Updated with pictures. We're still playing right now as I'm typing this. XD
Lol, win. Don't see a red ring and a happy person in the same room most of the time, but you just proved that wrong
its gonna run out the minute the warrenty does,we see right through microsoft,et they continue to get all our money..... sad face!
That happened with my first 360, it had the 3 red lights but I was still playing my game I posted about it somewhere and they said it was a sign that it would soon have the real RROD, couple weeks later it did.
Well in all honesty he wants a new Xbox and he has it completely covered by Best Buy so he's been wanting to actually trash it. I think he'll be happy if it RRODs. UPDATE: We turned it off last night. he just turned it back on, no RROD. It froze though, so he turned it off and back on, now he's got 100% RROD. Goodbye Xbox. LMAO.