Hi, people! I`m new and I hope that, during my time here, I learn advanced forge techniques like merging and stuff like that, If anyone could point me in the right direction on where to go to post about that, it would be greatly appreciated. :happy:
Hi emerald. Well you've come to the right place if you're wanting to get better at forge. Here's a great list of tutorials from beginer up to advanced which should help your skill grow. Also, please take the time to review the rules before you start posting maps. I hope you enjoy yourself!
The correct apostrophe button is located next to the "Enter" button on your keyboard. Just sayin'. Oh, welcome to 4chub. We're pretty chill here.
Why use the tilde key and not the apostrophe? I mean its endearing and all, and i don't particularly care whether or not you do it, I just want to know why. Anyway, welcome To forgehub. Read the rules, don't piss of people and generally be cool. Cya!
Why hello there. I'm going to give you the lay down of the colored ranks. Some are easier to figure out than others. Loyal (Purple)- People who have been of great influence to the site through being a good user Premium (Maroon)- People who have had two maps featured Architect (Maroon)- People who have had I think 7 or more featured maps Retired Staff (the rank itself is gone, but they can be Loyal, Premium, Architect, regular or even banned.) Moderator (Blue)- its a moderator (it used to be orange, but that was way back in the day) Journalist (red) - writes the front page articles Admin (yellow) - well its an admin Respected (teal) - prominent person in the halo community
I don`t get why people are saying I`m using the wrong apostrophe. The apostrophe on my keyboard is at the top left.
That's the reverse apostrophe. The one that's used is the one next to your enter/return key...it's got " and '. not the ` and ~.
According to wikipedia, (`) is only used in english to indicate a vowel that is usually silent must be pronounced. Like in poetry.
@Insane - Maybe you should add a keyboard tutorial in Forging 101. I think you just taught him something new! Welcome to FH buddy. You're already learning your way around the keyboard, just imagine what you'll learn about forge if you stick around here.
I'm getting good in forge! I've nearly finished making a map! It's a jailbreak map. A roleplaying one. It's fun! Imma post about it when I'm finished!
You never want to Double post here. Double posting is basically posting back to back in the same thread, without letting another person post between them. Instead, on the first post of the double post, there should be an "Edit" button at the bottom right. When you press that you can edit your post with what you wanted to add, and it would be legal. Welcome to ForgeHub