alright here's the deal. The new map pack costs 800 microsoft points. I'm about 600 short. I "accidentally" bought microsoft points using my dad's credit card for the first dlc but now i'm in a slight dilemma. I got away with this sneaky act the first time and i doubt i'll get away with it again. I'll probably get disowned and lose xbl if i get caught this time around. I need help on deciding on what to do so i made a poll to encourage discussion among the community. I want these maps ASAP. Use your knowlege of ethics to make an educated decision. Tell others what you picked to get the discussion started. Put yourself in this position. Thank you, CHUCK
that would be option number 2. as for that, i do not have ten dollars on me atm. i'd have to make a trip to the bank which could take a few days... CHUCK WANTS THEM NOW. lol. You bring up a good plan though.
yay illegal activity do #1 and say sorry i didn't know you didn't want me to next time i will ask you ok
Go to a Gamestop (or any other store that has it) and buy it there. -It's honest -You don't risk losing your live account -It will cost you a bit more, but by paying double, you'll have double the points and some left for the next dlc (or any other thing). I bought my 1600 points last time at a gamestop, and kept the remaining 800 for this time. And i just used them yesterday. Still haven't played yet though...
Save your money, and get something cool. Like a Devonshire Pocketwatch! For only 50 dollars! It's what i'm getting.
I say you kill someone, take their credit card, and then purchase the maps......... Until the police catch you and then you shout out "Damn you to Hell Microsoft! Why couldn't they be free!" Sounds like the best idea.
thanks guys, i ended up going with option 1 due to my impatience. If im caught i'll post a thread warning people not to do what i did. Thanks again. LOCK THIS THREAD PLZ
That was a bad idea. The pocket watch had such a good deal on it. Only 15 dollars more and you could have gotten the front cover, inside cover and back engraved!