Pardon? That makes little to no sense to me, there are always respawn points, the only difference is that juggernaut is an assmyetrical gametype as oppesed to normal slayers syemtrical, which may lead to slitghly altered maps, but only in odd situations. And besides, by the time the 'naut dies, he's no longer the juggernaut, am I right? And so even if that was the case, it wouldn't apply. I'd really recommend DLing it and trying it out if you think there may be an issue you think exists, well that and having a more frantic and fun game.
He didn't mention respawn points, just starting points and respawn areas, which, to answer his question, do not occur in the Juggernaut gametype, which may lead to slightly worse spawns than classic gametypes, but that doesn't really matter because it's for 1v1. It should still have good gameplay.