It looks nice. The only aesthetic thing I don't really like is the laying down corner walls. But overall looks great.
You don't like that? Well there's a portal in one the leads to the other side, and vise-versa. Probably should have mentioned that, but people should figure it out when they download it, lol
I finally got to give this a quick forge through, and I like the general flow of the map, but a few small things irk me, which, when improved upon, could stick this very high in symmetrical team maps. First, there was too much equipment IMO. For a map of this size, I wouldn't expect to see more than 2-3 pieces but there were more than that, If I'm not deceiving myself. Second, all of the power weapons were too close to one another. I can grab a shotgun, walk through the tele, grab more ammo, then get to either sword or rockets in about 5 seconds. But the biggest problem I have is with the shotties. I think that the portal is a pretty nice thing, I think that pairs of shotguns should be kept, but at least move them up into the 'bases,' or perhaps instead of that, put a pair of low ammo snipers in the bases, and put some duel wieldables in the other wall corner. But the overall geometry is very nice, and with these spawn problems fixed, I would want to play a game of CTF on this any day. (Is it even set up for objective games? I didn't think to check.)
I have one question/suggestion Personally i Loved FFA and CTF on Midship... Ons is a Midship running map to me this map looks like it might run like both does it SUPPORT flag? if not i HIGHLY recommend you add in flag spawns on each side for a midship feel =-]
No, it unfortunately doesn't support anything but slayer and team slayer, but don't worry. In version 2, it will support all gametypes, including infection
...infection? But I'm seriously looking forward to see how the new weapons are laid out. Hope you don't break your map.
Nah, my map won't be broken. I'm actually going to end up making quite a few changes, but all for the better. (Random Note: Children of Bodom's new album kicks major ass )
Don't listen to them about adding aesthetics and stuff. Gameplay is the only thing that matters. Though 80% of the people on Forge Hub don't appreciate the art of Gameplay, and instead want the instant gratification of visuals and useless 'innovation'. The only innovation needed for a 'competitive map' is gameplay. This is a FPS after all. Most the other maps posted here should be put under casual or something. I can picture great battles here. I cant wait to edit the weapons a bit and play this on MLG settings with my friends (No offense to you, I just love the weapons for MLG) I will tell you what I think after I actually PLAY the map, unlike some of the people here -_-
If gameplay were seriously the only thing that mattered, we would all still be playing multiplayer maps made out of different shades of gray boxes. BUT PEOPLE WOULD LIKE THAT. There is a reason that all of the Halo 3 maps have exterior, nonplayable scenery. The reason is because people don't like boring maps, no matter how well they play. And there is no reason a map can't play well and look good. Just because it dares to not blend in with the mess of other foundry maps doesn't mean that it should be shoved into "Casual." I think that this map is good, but I think that the point I quoted was ill-informed and ill-thought-out.
I can give you examples though. I play the ORIGINAL Counter Strike, because it has better gameplay mechanics, and map design than Counter Strike Source. But EVERYONE I know refuses to play the original Counter Strike, because the graphics are dated. Even though Counter Strike Source (the 'sequel') alters the gameplay, and changes the game in huge ways, making it more based on luck than skill, my friends still play it instead. Thats what I feel with a lot of the maps on forgehub. They are like the Counter Strike Source of maps. Yes, a lot of them play well, but it seems like people are focusing more on the looks than on the gameplay. Aesthetics are fine, but I believe they should be a complete afterthought. Maps shouldn't be based on the aesthetics, and then some gameplay is made around it. I just think maps that are based on some innovative contraption (elevator, a cool looking structure, etc) should be placed in 'Casual' not 'Competitive'. For me the only thing aesthetics are for is for communicating in-game. Like saying 'Theres someone sniping at the Statue' or something like that. That statue could easily be a giant vertical rectangle, but the aesthetics give it a name to be identified by. I don't know, maybe my perception of competitive and everyone else's are different. Its just the same reason why I like Call of Duty 1 more than Call of Duty 4. Yes, Call of Duty 4 is easier to pick up and let noobs play. But Call of Duty was made in the golden years of FPS. When it was directed towards a PC audience, instead of console gamers. I suggest maybe Forge Hub making another sub-forum like 'Hardcore' or something for what I'm talking about. Sorry for going on a rant in your map's thread. Just someone called my comment 'ill thought out' so I must explain my reasoning =\ Anyways, this map looks like a great gameplay map, hope to play it this week with all my friends =)
Ok, about whats happening... I've been pretty busy with forging in the new maps, so version 2 may take a little bit. But don't worry, I'll take your suggestions, and see what I can do. Unlimited Budget will not work, unless I can still do it in this state, which I don't think I can, so you'll have to get over the lack of scenery.
Very nicely done, Oldish idea totally redone, this map mustof taken a while let me DL and get back to you tho 4/5 nice work
Gonna get started on this next time I go back on. I'm hoping to get everything done by the end of the weekend.
Update... Obliterated v2 will be in my fileshare just as soon as I finish it, and alhough not all gametypes will be supported (Assualt, territories, VIP, to name a few) it will still be just about complete as my map's feedback says fit. It's much better.