I've heard from a trust worthy source that the Recon you get with ODST is going to have either a B or the Seventh Column where the square at the top is. For example: Bungie.net : Halo 3 Service Record of tyrant hacker Where my friend currently has the little square on the helmet, there will be a seventh column or "B" for Bungie. DISCUSS.
Already at least 5 of my friends have all of the Vidmasters. From what I can tell, there's no difference, though TBH I haven't looked super close like you're saying. But I feel like it would stick out and it looked entirely normal. I think you just unlock recon when you got it, there's no tricks or little things to it. If you already have recon, you don't get anything with the Vidmasters.
I just got recon from the vidmasters and unfortunately there is no difference. Unless my eyes are just bad.
I feel bad for the people who got it legitimately. I mean, now it's not even unique or anything anymore. I hope they at least come out with a new armor perm. for the people who got it legitimately.
Unfortunately, Bungie has already stated (in some recent Bungie Podcast, don't feel like saucing it) that everyone who has earned recon before ODST does NOT get something special. :'(
Yeah, because people who beat the vidmasters, REALLY hard achievements, don't deserve something thousands got for getting splattered by a traffic cone.
I've been told by a trusted source that Bungie is planning on making a new "reconesque" armor for those who legitimately earn them (not through Bungie day, screenshots, etc.) Its not set in stone though.
I would class getting all vidmasters as legitimate and conventional. Hacking/Glitching for it would be illegitimate and unconventional. Bungie giving it you would be unconventional.
I thought bungie already said there wouldn't be any new armor perms for halo 3? other than Recon that is. But they never said anything about new odst armor. Also like said wait for Reach its like 1 year, halo 3 will die down a little and if Reach has a badass mp with awesome customization just think no one will ***** about new armor. I honestly hope reach has like all the halo 3, and odst armos. Plus like add 6 or 7 new ones that are either A. gained through acheivments, or B. like hidden deals mabye unlockd but skulls or something. And i wonder if bungie will release the fire helmet? i know its like there company guys deal but still that would be cool if it was avalible via acheivments or something.
Just changing the little square to a B would involve making a new armour variant, which Bungie has stated can't be done. Even if they did apply it to the Mythic Disc, it wouldn't show up on the Halo 3 disc.
Well either way you can obtain it now there will be five year olds running around wearing it. Still though, About time they replaced that dumb hayabusa armor fad with something a bit more "2553-ish". Well I guess I`ll have to wait a very very very long time until the elite fad begins...:frustrated:
i dont believe they will because isnt it impossible to add armor to the game i thought they stated that unless its for halo reach then maybe but if not reach then no way
Bungie said in a Weekly Update on bungie.net a long time ago about why - I remember it. I'm not going to go look for it, but yes, they said it would be too hard/impossible to add more armor to Halo 3 -- it's not set up like that. It can't be changed. I did find this, which has quotes from their podcast and I think from the weekly update. Bungie.net : Halo 3 Forum : New armour permutations WILL NOT be added to Halo 3/Halo 3: ODST
shouldnt this be locked due to the fact that it has ban said to not be possible, its like we are arguing that 1+1=2.