i decided to make a gift sig tonight. since most of my gifts would normally go to my dear friend zstrike (pigglez), i decided to make it for another member, one who has inspired me from the beginning - LOCKdownN there ya go,, not much, quite effects-heavy, but not much otherwise.. if i could get some cnc as well since its my first sig in a while (and omg halo!) EDIT: looking at it in dark, it looks better.. and i chose the pop-out style that i used to be known for i guess.
Damn cool, brudduh! Love me some of them effects. Anyhow, good flow, well done pop out, text looks like it almost says "Loak," but not too bad, and good colors. If anything, increase the contrast.
The "K" In Lock looks so out of place in the image, but other than that, nice job Knight! I really like the green and blue whisps... Or whatever you call them.
How.... How could you betray me like this! Lol jk But it looks awesome Knight, you always succeed when it comes to pop outs. Excellent depth, which is the strong point of this sig imo. I also really like how the "Lock" looks like it is written on the wall. Great sig XD
haha thanks for noticing pigglez.. conker idk if you meant that the K looks skewed, but i meant to since that part of the pit is perpendicular to the rest of it. anyways, thanks guys! those are a couple effect c4d's i used then edited.. i dont remember where i got them though.. sorry