Recently I have been taking a break from map making as you may know. I am starting up for some map action. I wanted to show what is next in line. There will be only 3 maps this time, but they will not disappoint. Here is a little motivation, a wallpaper. The fight will begin soon so Get Ready.
Are these maps Infection-based, Slayer-based, or what? No matter the answer, I was a fan of your previous map packs, so I'm sure you'll like this one.
yeah Map Pack 3. Awesome. But I thought Infektion was your last one. I didnt enjoy the infektion map pack. But I loved the first 3 Iron map packs. Oh a Wallpaper
that was some ultra spam. he says he has started back up, which explains why the infektion wasnt his last. its obvious he had a wallpaper, u didnt need to observe publicly. and put your comments of his previous maps in threads that werent intended for his new ones. anyways, i dont think that there was anywhere near enough information in this post. no pics, no description at all. please put some work in progress pics up, or at least a description.
Spam, Okay Maybe a little. But Ultra spam, how is that Ultra Spam? Anyway no duh it doesnt have any pics, It a Hype Preview. Its just to get people excited about the map. if you havent seen hes other maps then you probably wont get this at all. Video guy has made 5 awesome map packs. I didnt enjoy some of them. It's just a teaser too. . If you cant accept this then please go away.
Both of you are acting like idiots. Both of you have good points, a little more info or some sneak peak pics would be nice, because a picture of recon realy doesn't do anything for me.
I had play in two of the map of the Iron Map Pack 3 ...... The first map are a map for one flag and the map are very cool ! The second map are named TR4XUS That map looks like a slayer map ! But the last map i doesnt see im !
Definitely ready for this your other mappacks were epic, Infektion was pretty good but just didn't suite my needs but the iron one woho awesome. Hold on while i go and clean up all the maps i don't need on my H3.
Cool, But a .... Really bad grammar. So lets get this straight. you played on 2 of the maps in the Iron Map Pack. The 2nd one was Named TR4XUS. And the last map you didnt see. Damn. Oh well, I enjoy the wallpaper. So i dont care about the pics yet. Good Luck Video Guy.