The Docks The first part of the map The second part of the map The back of the map The under part of the dock My fish mart shack thing Ordering The bad fish taco shack that you can't order from Driving on the dock. obey th speed limit Driving OFF the dock.... screw the speed limit! The fish prosessing plant Fishing for... Fish CAPSIZING!!!!!! OMGWTFBBQ The Creator: Avocado100 (right) Co-Creator: citrusblitz (left) We Got Recon Within 3 Days Of The Realese Of HALO ODST : Halo 3 File Details
I made a map with pictures. It takes some brain power to see them and know what they mean. I have reconz lolol. This map is good. Think think brain blast!
Recon isn't amazing anymore. Sure, I unlocked it, and am very proud of myself, but it still it is not intriguing. Otherwise, My personal thoughts are that this map isn't all that great seeing as the best part is map geometry. Maybe doing some Ghost Merging to great new structures. Until then I am not amazed. Sorry mate.
YOU CAN FLOAAT ON A BOAT!!! OMG!!! IM ON A BOAT MOTHAFUCKA!!! XD Anyways, the geomerging there with the boxes is very sloppy dude, you might just want to delete ALL of that and re-do it plzzz =]
This map is ok but, I saw some sloppiness in the geo-merging and around the whole map, you should make a V2 and neaten everything up then I'll come back and DL. - 5/10 - Reincarnation
No you haz not made it yet lolz, anyway its kinda appealing but like everyone said the merging needs to be straightened up a little bit. And with the ghost merge technique you can do amazing things in forge now.
OK. This is what Im going to do. Open up another part of the map, make a new fish shack thing and use a ware house. Does that sound good? Add some moe ghost merging and more decorations too. I will probably be finished in about 2-4 weeks with school and game restrictions and all
K for one thing you need a description of your map, otherwise people like me will be extremely confused. I'm really not sure the point of this, as it's not really even very aesthetic. It's just longshore with some boxes, dinghies, and vehicles put onto it. 1/5 for creativity, 3/5 for forging, could use geomerging, more interlocking. I honestly don't see the point of this. It's just longshore with random stuff placed onto it. Why even upload this to ForgeHub, I'm truely confused. Sure this may sound harsh, but really dude.. I have no idea what the purpose of this is.
I agree. I'm really confused what you are going for on this map, looks like it can turn into a Infection map though.