No problem my friend, just trying to help, if there's any map designing (planning) that needs to be done, again, I'd be happy to help, in the mean time I'll go look for some more switches. Happy forging. Now if only we could turn off assassinations.... - a trap clever covies could lead the Hero into - use its concept, making sticky grendades into a type of currency to aquire new items, like a key to a door for exemple, forcing you to choose between an easy kill, and having to kind another stick, or having to fight it out to get the key - try not to use all of those exess unneeded items he used, so it's fast and simple. - Need I say more? Make sure they're clearly visable to the Hero, but that he/she still has to be careful.
Crush, i use that currency method with sticks except its much easier to use and i read up on that invisible switch before.. Very clever. I've been trying to implement the warthog flip switch... but to no avail.. :/
Alright, I'm just rying to make sure you soak up all the triggers you little heart can handle (Before bursting) And don't forget to see the above minefield, You may have missed it, I edited it in at the last second. The 'hog method would take up to many resources, but could you fill me in on more details about your Sticky currency method, and how you plan to use it?
If there's anything else I can help you with, let me know, although like I said, I'm lazy when it comes to forgeing for prolonged periods of times, although if need be. I really wanna help you forge, but I tend to get really sloppy and am not the best with aesthetics, still, even though it's a useless (for me to do anyways) task that you could easily do on your own, I would like to help plan out the map and the locations of everything.