Well, as we should all know, 1v1 is very likly to occur in customs, especially if few poeple you know are on, and playing Halo. So I always wished to have a better game of 1v1. Eventually bored Shenanigans led to an interesting discovery, one that I have high hopes will replace default Slayer for 1v1 maps. Anyways, earlier today Me and mr cinnamon4 were playing customs together, when he had to go do something for five minutes, in that time I played on a small, 1v1 map on Ghost Town and changed the gametype to Juggernaut, in order to made the spare time interesting, I messed with the settings for Juggernaut, eventually I became the 'naut and began killing cinnamons unplayed Spartan, I began noticing that as soon as I killed him, I instantly got a blip on my enchanced, 75 meter radar, I thought it was weird, but kept killing him getting the same results. Later that day I was playing with Darkhawk400, and recalled about the odd respawning incident, so I selected the map Industries and Juggernaut, and edited the settings so it would be no different then default slayer, except for one Juggernaut only trait that I suspected was the culprit, so as I played, as soon as one of us would die, we respawned, no timer or anything! I thought that this would make free-for-all Slayer more faced paced and intense, so I had Darkhawk use another controller and use a guest profile to see if it would work with more players, at first the results seemed good, but only for about 30 seconds, eventually it would up with standard 5 second respawns, so I got Darkhawk to log off his guest and just play with me and him on a small 1v1 I had made, the results were all 100% positive, Instant respawns! Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details - link to download The above is the end result, Slayer (Juggernaut) that, when played with 2 people, and only 2 people, grants instant respawns. Without the use of any external applications (hacks). The key to getting instant respawns is a little option at the bottom of the Juggernaut settings, Respawn On Lone Juggernaut. Not To sure how it works, But I'll answer any questions to the best of my knowledge, have fun with a faster paced 1v1 match, you can save a minute plus that would have otherwise been spent waiting to respawn, and thats with a 3 second respawn, instead of the default 5 second one.
I'm pretty sure that you should read the entire post before you comment. Nice discovery, that's pretty interesting, though unfortunate it only works for 1v1.
no,its not. I dought you even read the passage. On subject,Thats nice,give the juggernaut standerd settings and you bassicly have slayer.
you could use it to make 1v1 games less spawn crapy" so if you die you still have a chance for a decent weapon i dont know of thats a problem, just saying
Lone Juggernaut = the juggernaut is the only one left alive. So with that setting on, in 1v1, the other person dies, the juggernaut is the only one left, so then other person spawns. In games with more than that, the Juggernaut will not be alone, so it does not force the other people to respawn, I think.
Tested it, works. Great stuff! Some extra info, Next Juggernaut Delay has to be set to 'No Delay' for the juggernaut to instant respawn when killed, otherwise only the non-juggernaut player has instant respawn. This probably works since bungie must have programmed the setting to prevent the juggernaut killing every player and then having to sit idle until the time limit expired. The alternative would have been just giving the juggernaut the win, but that's not traditionally part of the gametype's style, I suppose.
I am pretty sure it is set to no Delay, the only time where I noticed you didn't have an instant respawn was when two people kill each other at the exact same time, but then you only have a 3 second respawn, and I've also noticed that sometimes when that happens, you still have the instant respawn, but thats more likly a death from the grave issue, which can no longer happen because your never dead. I'm pretty sure it is set to "No Delay", but the only time I notice a lack of instant respawns is when 2 people kill each other at the exact same time (I.E. Melee)
Sorry, wasn't clear - your gametype is set to no delay fine, but if you're working from the default juggernaut gametypes then the delay setting is the only other one you have to change to get both players on instant respawn. Basically, if people want to make their own from scratch, some extra info for them.
alright, I guess I misunderstood, now all I have to do is get this into the official 1v1 things, like that conflict 1v1.
I've known about this for several months, and I'm sure many other people have known for a very long time. Not very new. I discovered it when I tried to make a Juggernaut Clue variant, which would have worked perfectly if not for the Juggernaut's waypoint being different than regular players and the "respawn on lone juggernaut" setting working as the name says it does, not its description. If you haven't found out why it works yet, it's just as the name of the setting implies. When the juggernaut is the only player alive, all other players instantly respawn. If the juggernaut kills the other player, he respawns instantly. If that player kills that juggernaut and instantly becomes the juggernaut, the player that was the juggernaut respawns instantly. I made a gametype for it as well, but since I don't post any of my gametypes, it didn't get any attention. Congrats for being the first I've seen to publish it. Competitively, as you stated, it allows for instant respawn 1v1 games. And in the world of Minigames, it allows for instant-respawn target practice/sniper training etc. (with one guest) games.
This is very old news for me, I've had a gametype exactly like you said since foundry first came out. Plus I didn't do it on accident, I knew what I was doing. I would have posted it had I known that it wasn't common knowledge.
Everyone already knows about instant respawn, it was discovered (or modded) somewhere around 2 years ago. And as I mentioned, it is modded and therefore against the rules of ForgeHub. I suggest removing the link before you get infracted.
This thread isn't about the modded instant respawn gametypes. Try to actually read his post before spamming it up with lies. It is about a setting in the Juggernaut gametype that allows for instant respawn in 1v1 games.
It's not cleverness, It's just dumb luck on my part, I only posted it because I never noticed anything saying this was a possibility. It's an exploit on a similar level to those of interlocking/geomerging, although it doesn't have as much of an impact. Still, I'm hoping I can get this into tournaments, like that conflict 1v1, but not at this moment, they wouldn't use it this late into the rounds, but I'm hoping I can get official attention to this, just for the sake of a faster somewhat more fluid round. Well that and it makes dying more of a surprise, one moment for looking for an enemy, and literaly the next moment, your at a respawn point. I've noticed some of my friends still get disoriented by the instant respawns, at one point getting me an overkill because my friend kept jumping of the same ledge after I killed him with a plasma rife and a punch and never learned to "Look before he lept". But that may be because he hasn't played halo 3 in ever. Side note, killing each other at the same time will likly still give instant respawns, not sure what's going on it those situations, most of my friends that I've been playing aren't really, well, that good at the game, so I can't get professional results, no offence to anyone. But yesterday I was getting instant respawns even though me and a friend were being killed at the same time, same goes for when a friend "Suicide-Bombs" you, you stick him but he lunges at you at the moment the stick explodes causing you to get a suicide, but I still respawned instantly.
This is great. The modded gametype's instant respawning tended to disrupt the accuracy of spawns, and quite often you'd spawn right behind someone regardless of spawn areas. Hopefully this should remedy that - but wait, doesn't the juggernaut not have respawn areas/starting points in the first place?