Hello ForgeHub, I am Dust Hunter0, i first found forge hub while looking for a Forward Unto Dawn map.I found it on the first page, downloaded it, and thought it was one of the greatest things ever, then, i looked at other ships there were, turns out, it was not the great. After downloading a few maps(mostly ships) i made this acc. I am currently planing on making a machinima on POW's(Inspiered by Hogan's Heros). and for some reason, i am fascinated by forge ships, yet i am unsure why. Well, that's it. (Btw i love the monitor faces you have here :happy
Welcome to ForgeHub Dust Hunter0! Make sure you read all the rules so nothing crazy happens and you should do fine And you should probably go read a few screenshot guides real quick so people can see the maps before you post them
Honestly, i am not the best forger, so you probably wont see many maps from me, I'v just been on forge hub a lot lately and thought i might as well make an acc.
A lot of people aren't very good forgers. You simply have to persist. And practice. Now what's another p-word so i can say the three P's to forgeing... Ah yes, patience. That's important too. Post any machinima in the videos section of the forum. Over and out.