A Community Forge Project; Missions/Campaign...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Glitch100, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Community Project - Campaign/Missions in Forge​

    Would I be right in saying that these type of maps don't exist?
    If so; i've got some ideas, lots, i can't implement a lot of them, so i think perhaps; i could give this idea to the community and together we can come up with something :). I have one request regarding this thread.

    RULES:I have one request regarding this thread; Do not be immature and if you are appalled or your not a fan of the idea, do not post at all; I'm welcome to criticism, but no foolishness please. This is a WALL of text, so only continue past this point if you are going to read it all.

    I'll be updating this post constantly with more information and screenshots as i get them- So please bare with me...

    The Basis...

    • A to B :)
    • One player against a team acting as the Covenant, or w.e the story requires them to be-For now we will call them AI
    • The player starts at one end of the mission with obstacles and other various enemies in obstructing them from getting to their objective.
    • The AI will spawn in a spawn area somewhere on the map, in PODS.
    • The PODS will be for whatever class they have spawned as...(Ill go onto PODS in a minute)
    • The AI then deploy to the map and hunt down and kill the Pilot- who has one life.
    • The main player will be referred to as the Pilot throughout this post.


    AI= Players acting as enemies for the main player. For example covenant, criminals, or whatever the story requires them to be...
    HUB= Area of play where the story or mission takes place, for example 'New Mombassa Streets' In ODST.
    Pilot= The one man/woman against the other team. This is the character of our story.

    PODS = Say the game is made for 6 AI - The AI will each randomly spawn in a pod ' DEPICTING ' which Enemy class they will play.
    For example:
    1 AI SPAWNS IN 'SNIPER' POD. In this Pod is a Sniper Rifle, perhaps 1 Grenade and a relative piece of equipment I.e Radar Jammer etc...
    >Upon picking up their equipment they are thrown through a teleporter in the HUB.


    Well i went and made a very quick example of a POD and here's the screenshots:

    An Aerial View of the POD:

    As you can see, the AI spawns, grabs their goods:
    (Grenades, Radar Jammer, and Sniper)
    And then moves on through the teleporter to the starting point for the AI.


    The Hub can be separated using 2 of perhaps all 3 levels of sandbox... Big building rooftops- Skyscrapers perhaps could be built in the skybubble, with the ground area hosting the streets, buildings and perhaps some interiors.
    At some point during the production and planning we are going to have to distingush areas where the Pilot can and can't go - and the same for the AI.


    This will be the main character; the lone wolf player who has an objective within the game. It can be any type of Objective game, as long as there is some kind of theory to it.
    For example:
    • The Pilot must plant a bomb at an enemy asset, or capture intelligence in the form of a Flag.
    Aside from the Pilots mission, there is also the matter of health, and killing. We all know Honour rules never really work, and so they must be avoided. Its safe to say the Pilot should be allowed to kill, but have limited ammo, very low health, and just a slight shield. Maybe even give the Pilot way points to the enemies, but no motion tracker. Etc etc. The Pilot must rely on a sort of stealth but at the same time have the skill to defend them self. The Pilot should only have 1 life. Upon death; fail the mission.

    The AI should have unlimited lives, respawns, and perhaps be slightly stronger than the Pilot and also be faster, as due to death they will need to find the Pilot and prevent them from getting the objective, however i'm not sure whether we should give them motion tracker and any other traits.

    >>This is where you, the community come in...

    If we are to succeed in making this map, or even come close to making this idea a reality we need a plethora of ideas for spawn systems, objectives, door mechanisms, traps, and sweet ideas to implement.
    I am in no way, a distingushed member of this community, and i haven't many posts but i do read alot of the threads, see the ideas, download, and contribute where every now and then; and i am totally aware that this community is capable of many things.
    There are more than just talented forgers here, there are genius' of the games inner workings, systems and people capable of new things which are constantly popping up.
    That's why I think we should all help each other and make this new idea possible.
    In the puzzle maps many of the members here have made, such as the forging group 'Paradox Forgers' i have seen ideas, and items which have never been used before; implementeed into gameplay.
    I have seen a warthog used as a switch, to trigger various mechanisms.
    There are tons of standard and advanced door mechanisms out there.
    Now we must work together, use current, old, and new ideas to create this Mission. If your interested, have any ideas to post, or criticisms please do post them; but I implore you to not be immature.

    .... We have a basis to work upon. Nothing here is finalised, but use this perhaps as a rough sketch of what we should work with, everyone should contribute their ideas, and we will change and work with what we get ....

    These are what we need:

    Ideas for switches for doors and various other methods of advancement throughout the level.
    Ideas for the HUB. Will it be a city, a town. What kind of structures will there be, will there be houses, flats, large buildings. Will there be debris or will it be a non warzone.
    Storyline. What will be the profession and mission of the Pilot? Will they actually be a pilot, or perhaps just a civilian?

    Justification: One life situation could be solved via VIP: 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    Well, thats the end of my wall of text for now...
    Nows your part; please give your ideas, in the form of text, screenshots, videos, links, sketchup, usermaps, and gametypes or whatever form or media you see fit!

    O, and i almost forgot if your up for being part of this Community project, please say so in your post, and i'll add you to the little Roster with your gamertag so i can add it next to your username, with whatever you think you can help with:
    Mechanics and Switches
    Advanced Forging
    Overall Ideas
    Structural Base of the Map

    I have spent a lot of time writing this, so don't bring it down in flames please
    #1 Glitch100, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  2. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you give the pilot one life, doesn't that apply to every player in the game?
  3. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Hmm I'm not to great on the specifics of Gametypes, but i'm sure theres a way around it, with scoring and such ;)
  4. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    I can remember playing some infection games where the humans needed one life, and the downside was that the zombie had one life as well.

    There are some decent ways around it that I can think of. For example, you can give the pilot one life and the AI two lives by placing the pilot's starting point in a kill barrier and placing the respawn point in the map. But I don't think you can give the pilot one life and the AI infinite lives.

    GOG TOXIC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For the escape city theme you could make it infection where the pilot is by himself but then the game wouldn't end when he escaped so if you can think of a way around it such as score limit once pilot reaches defensible area or something it might work
  6. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Your # of lives solution: VIP, one sided. Pilot is VIP for 1 team, by himself. You set it to VIP death ends round. All others have no limit.
  7. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Bravo, I Could Use this Idea. Im already making my own. Sadly Still at school Right Now. But When I Get On. Im Forging. Yay Trench Wars 2. Best Territories Game Ever! Needed A Squel.
  8. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    I was actually going to start work on something similar to this, although my idea didnt involve tryting to escape the city, I might help out with the forging if you need my just PM me :)
  9. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    It wasn't escape it could be blowing up an asset of such?
    Still undecided :)
    Well ill add you to the list of people willing to maybe help at some point :D
  10. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    hmm, an interesting concept, I have some forgeing skills, but I tend to just get to lazy as soon as a map begans to take shape..... But, I am a good thinker, and have an understanding of peoples gaming (Halo) mentality, and I and good at planning. Not sure if I could really help, but still I could help in thinking out the desings block by block if that could help, let me know, if the time ever comes, I suppose I could help playtest, but at this point, thats a long time away.

    Hope I could help you in the overall (Block by block) design, but like I said, I get lazy with forging.
  11. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Why cheers dude :)
    All i'm looking for is just a portion of the community to stick out heads together and see if this is possible and if we can achieve it :D
  12. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    this sounds really interesting, would love to help but will only have time when holidays starts in a week.
    So I'll be free next week to help out.
  13. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Cheers dude!
    But you don't have to forge, just participate here, like i need some decent switch ideas on sandbox for doors etc...
  14. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    I'm already in the process of making a map like this. And it's been done before.

    Example: Manifest (Help's on the way, right?)
  15. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    I see.
    Well then perhaps we can make a more advanced version?
    EDIT: No this is not like Manifest.
    Manifest is infection, well various levels linked via an outside story.
    This IS a Mission with 1 Player, who in a way has to get from A to B and or an objective.
    No relation.
    #15 Glitch100, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009
  16. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    Complete relation.

    Manifest. Group of people going from A to B

    This is nearly an exact replica of the Manifest idea except with just one human (which will be bad win 10+ people ambush him.)
  17. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    In that game the zombies WILL get to them.
    In this the game can end easily if the said player can do the objective.
    And i do believe that most single player games focus on one character against more than 10 enemies.
    This isn't a game type to get kills, but rather a mix of MGS and HALO with the health of a human. NOT a supersoldier.
  18. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    I hope you have some visual filters on to make it darker, it adds more to the stealth element, you actually have to look for the Hero, instead of him being in plain sight all of the time.
    PS http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/80528-key-door-sandbox-v2.html - to make a key door, so that the hero needs to get a certain item to open the door.

    http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/26509-hinges-sliding-doors.html - for all the doors you could want to make.

    http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/74733-hydrolic-elevator.html - For an interesting elevator that wont hurt you, ever. - no Grav lifts

    Hope those can help you
  19. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    Same basic idea, going from one place to another in a linear fashion.

    Also, in Halo 3, yes you fight 10+ enemies, but they have a fear of losing their life. Basically, humans playing the covenant or whatever, won't use much strategy because unlike video game enemies, they have multiple lifes. This means 10+ other players fighting one. That is an assassination just waiting to happen.
  20. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Computers will be split up, sniper up top, one brute and maybe a grunt roaming street.
    I dont plan on 10 people but more like 4 or 5.
    Be sneaky and it can be done. I accept your point. Now please move on

    And these are excellent, I already have 1 key door element :D now i have 2! Thanks :D

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