This is probably the best ODST screenshot I've seen so far. The lighting on Dare's helmet is fantastic. This reminds me that I need to go into theater in ODST. However, I've just barely played through campaign though. Is this from a cut-scene or is it an action shot?
its from firefight. on security zone. so action shot i guess, but i was sort of playing with screen shots in mind.
just something odd that i just found, Dares armor seems to change for me from game to game. see how up the OP, theres that piece of abdominal armor with the green orb? now look at this one (i wanted to try it with a sniper on her back), that piece of armor is gone.
Woah, it DOES change! Nice find(the armor) and I like the lighting. The white light at the right gives more to the detail on the left.
Very nice. I like what you did with the lighting and her pose. The sniper rifle is best in my opinion. She can't look awesome if she isn't holding a weapon. 5/5
Hmm, I notice that the armor seems a bit more green sometimes, and a bit more brown in another. I like the laser pic. Is nice
I actually really like this shot. The pose combined with the character just looks awesome. The backround fits perfect, and the lighting is flawless, you've got yourself a nice screenshot there. Try different weapons and see what cool effects you get also?
i think that is due to brighter light, or im in a position with more light. or perhaps i changed the color and i just dont remember.