One of my old friends recently told me they had "changed". I believe people can change, but not as quickly as he supposedly did. whats your take on the topic? can people change?
Of course, but there's a lot of relevant factors that play into that. Atmosphere, parenting, school, close friends, activities, and so on. Someone's attitude is never permanent, everything is a variable in the right situations. If you were normally one of those guys who's happy and likes to make jokes, but no one ever laughs, but instead just tell you to shut up. Eventually, not immediately but eventually that person is going to become rather....down on himself lets say.
I think it depends on age. Once you get past your teen years whatever you end up being like is how itll be.
At a younger age, other people have a much greater influence, at an older age, other people have less of an influence, somewhat because of experience. That's why it's easy to convince a 9 year old into believing in Santa, and it's nearly impossible to convince a 50 year old too.
People cannot change. Their opinions and the way they act can, however the overall thought process never will.
Honestly, this isn't debatable. And most of the people in this thread are too young to even have anywhere near a quarter of the experience to know if people can change. I mean, this **** is just silly.
Vinny, you've changed man. I believe people have different personas that they show to different kinds of people. These can change, both gradually and immediately, depending on the circumstances that cause them.