Looking for a team

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zebra, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. Zebra

    Zebra Ancient
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    Hey, I'm BlueZebra (you can call me Zebra or blue, I really don't care), currently a 30 in mlg(a little low, I know, I'd like to get it higher but it's been a pain finding teammates). I know callouts for every map but I sometimes have trouble with narrows and Lockdown.

    I'm a very consistent player, good with the BR/Carbine, I'm decent with a sniper and can play a good support role most of the time as long as I'm far range. But no scoping and short range isn't really for me just yet. :[

    I'm on very often, reliable, and can play smart.

    I'm not great with flag runs, but I can support flag carriers very well.

    I best play on Guardian and the Pit.

    I'm just looking for a team of players who get on often, are around my rank in mlg that'll work with me to get higher up, and aren't douches.

    My gamertag is II BlueZebra II, I'll check my xbl messages more than my forgehub messages so I recommend sending me a message on live instead.

  2. Ceja oo4i

    Ceja oo4i Ancient
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    hey blue zebra i play mlg and im a low rank to im a 25 in in right now but plan to get higher i can be on ur team if you want me to but im not online at the moment so just message Ceja oo4i and we can play together sometime
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I'll send you an XBL message and a friend request. I'm about 30 in MLG too(may have dropped to 29, I'm not sure) and I've had a hard time getting people around my level to play the playlist with me. You won't hear a lot of talk from me except callouts(unless I'm drunk :p) but rest assured, you will get those callouts and I too, am not a douche.
  4. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    hey you can msg me anytime if you wanna play. i used to be like a 20 something in mlg but i had to make a new gt and im only a 7 i think but im pretty good.
  5. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
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    Hey i'm a 50 in MLG on 4 accounts. If you want i have this new account that's a lvl 15. I can help you get up to like a 45 or even a 50 (if you're good enough) ;) lol jk hit me up on my gt: PhantomBishop
  6. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    I got a few low level accounts that i could help you with. Ill add you
  7. eyextwo

    eyextwo Ancient
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    I'm a 29 in mlg because I keep losing because of randoms. I'll send you a fr.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Kinda similar. I'm at 27 or so, just never can get guys at the same level as me.
  9. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Add my main, iinoD. or if you add me within a few days, i couldprobably play on my booster.
  10. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you are just as random as they are if you go in by yourself,
    just saying.

    Add Shamwow owner if you like, 42 right now though
  11. eyextwo

    eyextwo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know, i'm just a random, but atleast i'm a random with a mic. :O

    Also, I sent the blue zebra guy a message and he says he dosen't play mlg anymore. If you kiddo's don't mind, i'll probably just hit you guys up with friend requests.

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