4 way video chat be able to make text bold and slanted & stuff but mostly 4 way video chat oh and the internet browser also since the wii has one and i think playstation has one
A web browser, multi-video chat so I can see what Yumi's doing when she's on video chat for 8 hours, and probably a better keyboard system. It makes my thumbs hurt. I suppose I could just by that 20 dollar attachment though.
I think some built in game capture thing like Theater mode in Halo would be cool. So you can record any video from your games and save to HDD
just go to your garage and look for a old keyboard thats what i did and you can plug it into your xbox and use it to type
Make it so when someone invites you to a game that you do not have, it would tell them that you don't have that game yet and won't send the invite. Yes, a web browser would be nice...but I wouldn't be to upset if they don't make one.
Web browser so i don't have to fight my bro for the comp. clan stuff only so i dont have to see xxxfjrhf night slaya fjrhfxxx on every second persons name Oh and make the melee combettions not do damage instead ofkilling both people...its just ****ing stupid when it ends your spree
To go on any type of chat thing, this includes Skype, Aim, and Yahoo!? Trillion + X360 join forces... Imagine how much money they would me making.