Pirate Ship Created by Coolant Description Yaharr! Welcome aboard the S.S. Traxus, one of the most feared vessels on the se7en seas! Say hello to the newest member of Coolant's map family, the S.S. Traxus. A complete pirate ship, from the sails to the cargo hold. She may not be sea-worthy, but she sure as hell looks good. Since combat maps weren't working out so well, I took Lances advice and did something I've wanted to do since I got Halo 3. I made a Pirate Ship. I tried to be as close as I can to what my vision of a pirate ship was, and instead of crashing and burning as some of my other projects did, this one actually worked! Please note: THIS MAP IS PURELY FOR DECORATION I will make a combat version sometime later. An infection gametype may work well on this map. Layout It's a pirate ship, what else is there to know? It features rounded hulls, multiple levels, and, what else but, a cannon! I may be a bit messy, but have you ever tried to fill in curves with square objects? It's a bit hard, and can get really disorderly at times. The ship has two masts, a cargo hold below, captains quarters with a balcony, and a crows nest. I really wanted to get much more into this map, so you might be seeing a V2 with more features and cleaned up a little. Gametypes Right now there are no gametypes supported on the map. I'll add a ship withe weapons and objectives later on. The front of the ship. The shield doors really work well as sails. Two views from the back of the ship. I got some inspiration for the balcony from the pirate ships on Oblivion. The deck of the ship. Still havn't figured out what to put there... The cargo hold of the ship. Captian's quarters. The crows nest, because what pirate ship would be complete without one? Here's a good view of the back balcony and the rudder. And finally, the curve of the ship. It took a while to get it right, but I think in the end it payed off. Download Pirate Ship
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... Damn... nice job beating BTSP and Shock Theta to the punch :/ (not sarcasm)
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... FFS... nice ship man, also nice post. I'm gonna take a look around this baby. And it's not all bad Sarge, this is a pirate ship, yes, but everything else is different. So I for one still want to finish ours. I suppose we lost our 'first' though. Again, congrats Coolant, and I hope you don't mind that we're doing something similar. PS. I hate you. PPS. j/k
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... Hah, I really had no clue you guys were making a boat-type map. I'm sorry if this hinders your progress at all.. I didn't mean to. But thanks for the comments guys. You think this could make Bungie Favs? =) (yeah right..)
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... O M G This is an amazing ship. You placed everything at the right angles, and it looks nice.
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... Absolutely gorgeous. I realize that it's not made for actual games, but it's an inspiration to those making competitive maps and the such. I wish others could use the same attention to aesthetic detail. Great, great map.
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... Don't worry, we were keeping it secret anyway so you couldn't have known. And ours will be different, you'll see. (I'm not saying better, just different). As for Bungie favs, that is unlikely as we all know.. but it's definitely very cool so who knows!
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... wow, that's really nice if you every decide to make a full map you could have two and for cannons have man cannons that shoot fusion coils XD
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... This could not work well though, stuff will always fall if not put the hard time in. but great idea. and anyway to get to both ships, just sayin.
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... Argh I'm so confused we were making a pirate-like map, but I don't think that's what we're talking about...
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... Sarge, is the ship your working on the BTSP one Rusty eagle started? if so I would like to continue to help, as I worked on making the first part of it.
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... yea, cuz me and EGS were gonna make one... then rusty invited me into a game to show me his new map and it was a pirate ship... a good one at that... so then we all coordinated together and alas, BTSP and Shock are workin together now
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... Nice freaking job! It looks sweet, Im going to download just to play around with it. -Donuts
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... You should put a truck and a forklift beside it in the ocean. Just kidding, that is a horrible idea. Well I'm also working on a Pirate Ship and it will be way cooler than this one. Still kidding. Seriously, though, that thing looks really good. I'm wondering, how much budget do you have left? Maybe you could build a dock or a little palm tree island or something.
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... I could see a really good map coming from this.... I really could see another ship, with mancannons shooting you from one to the other. -Donuts
Re: Pirate Ship - Not What You're Expecting... I am currently working on a project similar to this, but is actually for playing on. So send me a message if any of you guys want help, think pirates versus ninjas, nice ship though.