Desecration by WhiteRice321 download link: Desecration is a small enclosed map on the middle floor of sandbox. Meant for FFA koth slayer and oddball it also supports team flag and team slayer (all though i personally dont think they play nearly as well as FFA) 3-10 players (10 being somewhat crowded and 3 being a minimum number to have without having to search for an opponent for a long time), Also note that the layout has a small learning curve but after 3-4 games you should have it down pretty well. This is my first post so be gentle...or dont its up to you Overview Its Clobberin time Red turnaround Red Columns Top alley Top window Underground Blue Wood Stairs Balls in yo face I feel like im forgetting something.....Any questions feel free to ask them and ill awnser them to the best of my abillities please leave any suggestions or comments you have as well =).
A download link would be nice. But anyways. Looks pretty well forged and I like the design. I think a version 2 would be nice once you get some feedback about gameplay. Once you do get feedback correct what people don't like the go in and add some good unique aesthetics. Other then that, the map looks great.
aha knew i was forgetting something... aight it should be under the first picture now sorry bout that
It's very clean, but it seems... empty. It's kind of like you made the main structures, but then left it at that instead of adding little boxes and lights or more cover. Very good forging. Just seems like you could take it a lot farther.
i like the layout but it seems to be missing something. i like the split walls on the upper level but it makes things a little open up there. i would suggest using the colored columns every so far apart to create a little cover and add some visual appeal. also your "top window" picture is really small for some reason. might wanna fix it. over all it seems nicely forged and clean. its just missing a few things.
Thanks for the comments ill keep them in mind when i make the v2 =) also window pic was fixed as well thanks for telling me i woulda missed that =)
This is really good, you have a nice layout and it looks like good weapon placement too. I like the combination of long and short hallways, that makes it work with all gametypes usually. I think it will be fun to play a snipers match on here and maybe swords too. Nice Job WhiteRice321, I'm wating on that V2. - 9/10 - Reincarnation
looks neatly forged but im worried gameplay might not flow too great? especially the wood stairs, a wood ramp would be more convenient IMO, a v2 could be very good indeed tho, 7/10
wood stairs = way too much work...but ill probably put in some form of a ramp there all the same thanks for the comment....i dont quite understand the bit about the flow though