YouTube - FBWalshyFTW/IAmGear61 Suspended - New Channel for Montages Here's another video about it (not by me). Sad news. Agreed.
Guys that took any good montages and slapped it on their own channel. The suspending seems justified, IMO.
Actually, they submit it to either channel, then if Walshy accepts it, he uploads it. If Walshy doesn't accept it, then it gets handed down to Gear, and if it's decent, he'll upload it. It's like a community spotlight for montages on YouTube. Also, that FBWalshyFTW guy is actually Walshy himself. As in Yhslaw.
FBWalshyFTW and Gear61 is the same person. He is an uploader who uploads peoples' montages so they get a lot of views and become popular. /facepalm No he's not. FBWalshyFTW is a fan of Walshy. Walshy =/= Gear61
Actually, Gear61 USED to be "Walshy", but he gave the account to vShockz because vShockz account was hacked. ...Wow....I bet gullable's not in the dictionary too.
I don't see how it's justified. All he's doing is sharing montages on youtube for larger audiences for people who don't waste their time on the MLG forums. Besides, when he uploads a montage it's because the owner asked him to.
He said Gear was Walshy. Here's how it was. Walshy = Walshy Primary Account Walshy = Gear Secondary Account vShockzv = vshockzv Primary Account vShockzv got hacked. Now it's Walshy = Walshy vshockzv= Gear
Walshy the pro? He has nothing to do with these Youtube accounts. IAmGear61 started the FBWalshyFTW account. IAmGear61 started the IAmGear61 account. VShockz started the VShockz account. VShockz got hacked. VShockz took over the IAmGear61. FBWalshyFTW got his account closed. Walshy has NOTHING to do with this. Read FBWalshyFTW or IAmGear61's bio.
I distinctly remember FBWalshyFTW stating he is not walshy the pro in his bio to clear up confusion. Apparently it didn't help at all.
Half of these montages that get put up are not done with permission; I know that for a fact. I mean, why else would their accounts be suspended? They're taking credit of months work from different editors. They don't even link to their Youtube channel. Completley justified.
I agree. Sure there montages get views, but the people who accually published the montage get barely any credit.
Yeah, I'm well aware of that. I refer to him by walshy because it's the name of the primary account. And FBWalshyFTW came before IamGear.
/facepalm Ugh yea, just a big fan of the dude I guess. You're like some of the peopl who subscribe to his channel only because you believe the guys Walshy. Probably why he chose the name also.