Time Map Pack Maps Created By Tiamat8 Maps: Unnamed Infection Bulls On Parade VIP Rescue Lab Escape II About this map pack: First off, before anything else, this is my first post. So if anything isn’t right please let me know. I created all these maps a while ago, but they were eventually abandoned between lack of testing, hitting the object limit, and game play problems. That’s why I need you to help me make my eventual post of these maps the best they can be, because I decided to salvage them cause I believe a little more work could produce some really interesting and cool maps. Map 1: Unnamed Infection About this map: I started construction on this map in about mid-summer. I probably worked a solid 3 weeks before hitting the oln, which basically stopped me in my tracks. I had really wanted to make an infection map for a while. I really liked Help’s on the Way and that’s what this is LOOSLY based on. Why It’s Original: This map is made in (hopefully 3) and currently 2 sections. You also spawn in the air and fall to the ground with a destroyed hornet following soon after. What I mean by sections is the fact that the map is divided into 2 parts, and the only way to pass into another section is to finish the obstacle at the end of your current section. Both current sections are large, with 2-3 houses each and plenty of space in between. For example, take the first section and obstacle. You need to find a way to pass through a burning building (bubble shield). So while fending off zombies, you want to search for the “key” to the next obstacle. So I guess this is kind of a puzzle infection map… Pictures: This is the human starting area and is where the hornet falls at the start of the round This is the first section consisting of a shop, house, outdoor area, and barricade This is the house on fire, the arrows tell u to go INTO and THROUGH the killball This is where you’ll end up after going through the fire Problems: v I have no game type, but I think I’ll end up with a VIP style game with a single destination at the very end of the level. v Hasn’t been tested at all v If I end up with a VIP game type, that brings a whole new set of problems concerning spawning and respawning. Like how to make a dead VIP team member become a zombie. v I have filters, IDK but lots of people don’t like them and it does make some areas quite dark v I want to make 2 “boss” zombies, but have no idea what would be overpowering/underpowered because it has yet to be tested. v I have absolutely no idea how to finish it v After you know where the “keys” are, unless I make multiple maps with just keys switched around, everyone will know where it is then make a b line right for it. Ending/Final Notes: v I do have a weapon layout, have no idea if it is ideal v And I am currently at maximum object allowance Map 2: Bulls On Parade About this map: Before you just say, ”oh, look another one of these not to view or dl….” Just give it a chance. I always liked this game, even when I didn’t know any advanced forging and got plasma pistols with infinite ammo. I started this a while ago because I thought I had a few ideas that would really improve game play, and also to finally make this thing 100% unbreakable. Why It’s Original: Like I said above, I built this to be 100% unbreakable (which I’m pretty sure no other variant can claim) and it’s at about 90% now. There are a few places where you could partner jump out… Anyways, unlike other versions this has a somewhat different game type. First off, you have more than 1 life. When you die you become a bull and try to kill the rest of the people. Second, you can kill the bull. His shields don’t recharge, but he has lots of them. There is limited ammo, and you start with a magnum. Your savior is the random weapon box. Every time you complete a lap, go through the tele wall and you’ll drop out of a box and down back on the track. While falling you can try to grab anything you want, however the weapons are in 4 different classes. Class 1: Easiest to grab, but also the weakest Plasma Rifle Spiker Smg Class 2: Can’t just hold down weapon pickup, but not hard to get either Covie Sniper Battle Rifle Sniper Class 3: Hard to get, now running into the fact that if you miss, you get nothing at all Plasma Pistol Brute shot Class 4: Next to impossible, rarely get this and if you miss you get absolutely nothing Fuel Rod Gun Rockets Splazer I should also add that you pick up a custom while falling that stops you from getting splattered the second you come out of the box. There are also grenades, equipment, and powerups that you can get as well that I won’t list. Pictures: This is the bull spawn room. You can choose a ghost, chopper, or later a mongoose if there is nothing else left This is what I believe to be the best way to block the base off… The other straightaway and curve leading to the teleporter wall The random weapon box Problems: v I’m just not sure if I can make it 100% inescapable. There are so many ways to get out, especially when you think of partner jumping v I’m also no sure how strong to make the bulls due to insufficient testing. Ending/Final Notes: I think this is just about ready to be tested; maybe I’ll try to set something up… Map 3: VIP Rescue About This Map: This map was actually a joint project with purpledinosaur0. Also, 100% of the geomergz were done before Ghost Merging came out. What Is It/ Why Is It Original: This is the basic concept of the game. Hang in there; it’s really confusing and complicated. VIP Team: You start in the sky bubble. From there you go through a man cannon to your teleporter. If you are the VIP, you’re heavier so you land in the shorter/closer teleporter and are therefore separated from your team. Once the VIP goes through the teleporter, he is in the middle house of the city on the flat part of the middle level on sandbox. His goal for the time being is to hide from the terrorists that will be searching the city for him. Since he can’t get the first checkpoint alone, he must hide! Now his team will be gearing up in the mountain base to rescue him. His ultimate goal is to reach the final destination in the sky by getting flown out by the helicopter. Terrorists: They will start in the dunes between the mountain base and city. They will then advance into the city looking for the VIP. They are encouraged to take the VIP hostage if they find him because 1) you loose a point if you kill him and 2) if you kill him the VIP will automatically switch over, so you want to stall as much time as possible. However the VIP should listen to you because if you kill him he will loose 2. So killing him should only be a last resort cause it gives both of you negative and the other team another chance to get more points. (Which is why the VIP gets –2 instead of –1.) As I hope you can see, we put a lot (probably too much) thought into our game play systems. In the few tests we did there were lots of hostage situations and tactical blitzes; like different entry styles into the city, and the most affective way to get a grenade in a certain room. One time, for instance, we eliminated 2 guards on the rooftop with timed headshots while the rest of the team stormed the building from the roof and killed the terrorists before they could kill the VIP. Pictures: This is what separates the VIP from the rest of his team The VIP team base The helipad Entire overview of the map Problems: v The hostage system is fun as an honor rune but hard to enforce for people who don’t get it/ just don’t want to follow orders. v The hostage system, while it adds a lot, tends to make all the scores in negative (when we played VIP death ends round) v When we played VIP death doesn’t end round, we have the problem of them spawning back in the armory. Ending/Final Notes: I’m really annoyed I can’t show you any action shots here… I didn’t save any test films and they are long gone in recents. Map 4: Lab Escape II ] About This Map: This is the last map in the map pack and the only one on foundry. I made this after purpledinosaur0 made his original Lab Escape. This is the oldest map, but I included it because it is 90% done, I just need to rework a little budget and get it tested. Why It’s Original: The concept behind this map is that you start in room 1 which is directly adjacent to the zombie spawn. Every minute a door opens letting you go deeper into the lab for better weapons and more defensive cover. Zombies will constantly rush you and your only real hope is to make it to the final room. Pictures: The human side of the first room (the dumpster moves out of the way after 60 seconds) This hallway is blocked… we’ll have to find a way around The sewer The loading dock sky view Problems: v Hit OLN and I cant spawn anything else cause I messed up the budget glitch so I have very little to work with v In the sewer room, the long pipe makes it a kill fest for zombies even with the ugly shield door. v I don’t have a set in stone game type, which is a big problem Ending/Final Notes: v And I don’t like the current weapon set, put it when I didn’t really understand balanced weapons… they’re ok, but not great… Conclusion First off, if you read this whole thing, THANK YOU! Second, if you have any helpful input of any kind PLEASE leave a comment. Thanks everyone! -A Fluffy Pillow
Hmmm, no offence, but they seem kind of sloppy. And on the third map, I don't even really see any geomerges. It's quite obvious you are aware of multiple forging techniques, you just need to improve at them...
Get the **** out of my ForgeHub if all you will comment on is Interlocking and Geomerging. Honestly, MANY MAPS PLAY WELL WITHOUT INTERLOCKING AND GEOMERGING. Now, on to the maps, I really like the concept of Lab Escape. How you must hold out and wait for a door to open getting you deeper in. It's kind of like Firefight in a sense, because you have to hold of waves upon waves of enemies until you can get more supplies, health, etc.
for your first map to solve the problem of once everybody knows where the bubblesheild is they'll b-line to it. you could put one in the infected spawn point and hope that they move it around, the only problem would be if they kept activating it before they died but i'd really like to see the VIP hostage one made completely, if you need a tester or when its finished please pm me or add me (gt:violentdownfall)
I really, really like the VIP rescue. It looks really fun, and I want it released now. I'll play-test with you if you would like, but here are some fixes. 1. Place a shield-door gravity lift combo on the ledge of the teleporters. An ally could potentially avoid the higher teleporter, jump down, and follow the VIP. 2. Remove the chopper, if you can, and replace it with a human vehicle. Choppers for terrorists? Tacky. 3. To fix your VIP problem, make killing the VIP minus like, 50 points. Then make a kill worth 0 points. VIP destination arrival could be 50 points, for an instant win. Add a time limit, so the terrorists can win as well. This way, the only way to score and win, is to rescue the VIP. If you kill the VIP as a terrorist, you make your team waste a perfecly good round, and you will have to catch up, point-wise. The score limit would be 50 points, and the VIP death ends round. 4. Give the vip powerful shields, so he can have his epic moments, running away. 5. Perhaps add a jail, made out of scaffolding, that has 1 exit. You could place a terrorist sentry here. For the first map, to fix your key problem, make multiple maps, as you suggested. On each, the key is in a new area. And for all of your OLN problems, delete or move some of the unnecessary scenery. I know this can be hard, but it's your only choice. But seriously, send me a friend request. My gamer-card is Izano Slayer. I would like to play test with you sometime. P.S: "You need more interlox!" Says the guy who made this.
wow... no really, wow. these are awesome dude, cant wait till there released. i love the helipad in the terrorist/vip rescue. o, and i have an idea for your vip/infection gametype in the first 1. make it so its teams but the attackers always respawn but the defenders dont when there killed. this'll mean that players will have to work together more instead of running off. nice idea witht the killball/bubble as well. place more than down and make it so they spawn in diiferent places at the start of each round.
If you dont mind, could i download the VIP game, I don't think there's any real problem playing with honor rules, maybe i can make a good gametype for you, idk but id really like to play on it
Thanks everyone for the replies, and the constructive criticism/improvement suggestions!!! @violentdownfall, Im not 100% sure what you mean. Are you suggesting that i put the bubble in the zombie spawn? If that's what you mean, it wouldn't work because the zombies spawn with a teleporter systuem. I didn't poast a picture of it cause of the stupid 20 picture rule, so no worries cuase you wouldn't know. @Izano Slayer, I like all ur suggestions; however i don't get wut your talking about in the first 1 and The -50 point systurem is probably the best idea yet. Sadly i use way to much senery and am already at the oln on vip rescue so it would be hard to add a jail. @violentdownfall (again), ok i'll add u (and izano) probaly after monday soccer practice.
I need something to do, I'll playtest with you if you need another guy to help, GT is Crushric. VIP rescue reminds me of... You guessed it, Counter strike, no if only there was a message that would go, "Counter-terrorists win"
That's actually a good solution to making VIP's spawn in a different location. I was working on a map a while ago that required the VIP to spawn alone in an enclosed area, wish I had thought of this now.. Maybe if you made people spawn in the air or on a slanted ramp, so that everyone has to land on the mancannons and get across? Just giving you suggestions to avoid honor rules for having to jump across the man cannon. EDIT: Oh, and I like how you used the weapon holders for your helipad
It looks.... different.... some of its original but overall just work on the presentation. Minor details, clean up the map ya know? I like the concept but I just dont see it working very well unless you fix up the maps. Ill be glad to test if you do
Ok, changed color to white for dthen, sorry all clasic people. @ Izano thanks for the bump =), and i'll add u when i get on next(sorry it took so long) @ Rifte Grifel it's not just an honor suggestion, if you want to score points you HAVE to go through the teleporter to get to the ground level and the FASTER you get the VIP through, the more time he has to hide from terrorists
The only problem I have with this post is that I really cant see a game happening on the first map, unnamed infection. It is really short and it would be the same every time and there is probably no way too combat that. If you were to put less effort into every single detail and more on just getting the map done, it would have worked. Also, you can get out of the map on some parts and since you have no objects left you cant do anything about it.
Izano, stop. Thanks for the bunps and stuff but it's just a preview. If this thread dies whatever; the only real thing that matters is the finished and tested maps I'm planning on poasting soon. Thanks for saving this thread twice but dont spaz every time it drops to the second page while i'm at soccer and n00b bump it. Not that I'm angry with you, i'm actually really honored you like it soo much. PS- ur friends list is full PPS- I realize that this poast will be bumping the time map pack back up but i needed to get the message across (or is it just part of my diabolocial plan Muahahahahahahahaha?!?)
I don't think anyone has commented on this yet, but I really like how you captured the feel of a wreckage in the first map, and I really think the idea of the VIP hostage is interesting, except it only works with an honor rule. Nice work on all of the maps and will DL when they're posted.