Time & Space

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gordo24, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    Time and Space
    new link

    *update took out the mongooses from the bouncing pits so that is less annoying. Changed the respawn times for the equipment and re-interlocked the whole map to make it smoother/harder to get out of.
    Game type Suggestions:It is designed for 2v2 Capture the flag, but works with neutral assault, king of the hill, oddball, slayer and the team versions of those games. You should turn the radar down or off and shorten the times for things like flag returns, bomb disarms, and objective respawning, but that is all up to the user.

    Front wall removed to better show terrain
    I have a 3D model walkthrough if you would like to see it I can email it to you. Mockup made with Sketchup

    1. Bomb/Ball/Fire Nade Spawn
    2. Plasma/Frag Nade Spawns (each corner)
    3. Hammer Spawn (The Cage)
    4. Bubble Shield Spawn (one each side)
    5. Mauler Tunnel (one each side)
    6. Power Drain Spawn (one each side)
    7. Flag Spawn/Capture Platforms
    8. Regenerator Spawn (under bridge)

    This map is a small hour glass shape. It is symmetrical for the most part the wall geometry is the same in all corners but the one corner with the low roof looks different than the rest. There is a large two level bridge in the middle. On top you will find the neutral objectives (bomb and ball) also two flame grenades are up there. Above each spawn side is the flag spawn and capture points. They are set up so you can't jump from there to the middle bridge. There are two tunnels one on each side that house the maulers. Because of the size I limited grenades to 4 plasma and 4 frag but for the most part the design is set up to avoid the random grenade bounce. The back walls have to spawn shelters but they really don't shelter to much. below the awnings are BRs one behind each barrier with power drains in between. Under the bridge is where the smg's and plasma rifles spawn also there is a regenerator there. The one "power weapon" on the map is the hammer but it really isn't all that powerful as there is almost no way to camp. The real power weapon is the tight space and power drains and flame grenades. Some cool things on the map that don't really effect game play are: the super custom power up displays, vehicle stands behind the spawn shelters, and last but not least the bouncing mongball pits. The mongball pits make a constant noise and also show up yellow on your radar. There is no way to get in the Mongii because they are constantly in flux and at most it will say to flip it.


    4 BRs @ 30
    2 Maulers @ 45 no spare
    2 smgs @ 45
    2 plasma rifles @ 45
    1 gravity hammer @ 120

    4 plasma @ 10
    4 frag @ 10
    2 fire @ 45
    2 bubble shields @ 120
    2 power drains @ 120
    1 regenerator @ 120

    Pic Time

    Under the awnings BR location

    The Mongball pits

    Hammer Kill view of super power up display

    Blue and Yellow may equal green but power drain and flame grenade equals my death

    "The only good blue is a dead blue." -Sarge RvB

    Fire from above

    Power drain and BR deadly combo

    Killtrocity would become a big money ticket but in its early day arenas were made when and where they could be. Harris Glean was an early Killtrocity champion and after his retirement owned and operated a military surplus store. He would soon get back into the sport not as a competitor but as a promoter. The area he built was in one of his many warehouse stores, this particular warehouse was just south of New Seattle in the United States of Sub-Saharan Africa (USSSA). Harris' arena known as Time and Space (after his store) would be the launching grounds for some of the most famous gladiators to ever put the armor on. legends like Jarvis "OneShot" McKinney and undefeated Glancot "GreatBeast" Pwrodlas. These two made Time and Space a hot bed for new talent. The arena was well constructed but Harris was not shy about advertising lining the walls of the arena with advertisements and product displays. He also would show his pride and joy a Covenant Wraith, if you ask him where he got it he'll just smile and say "I just found it one day." Rumors speculating how he got it ranged from the bland to the fantastic. One rumor was that Harris was in a squad that supported St. John 117 himself, and that the Master Chief had pulled the brute driver out while it was still moving. This however does not explain how Harris obtained it or how he gets it on that display stand.

    Excerpts from "A New Kind of Peace" - by Mayfield Hodges
    #1 Gordo24, Apr 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  2. nullstar

    nullstar Ancient
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    this looks good enough maby even a featured map, ill DL
    looks good for swat also
    #2 nullstar, Apr 15, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2008
  3. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    2v2 CTF is my favorite. The maps looks really good. Good use of interlocking.
  4. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks very well made. It looks like the Firebombs don't completely rule the map. I like this
  5. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    its looks pretty cool.if there is a shotgun on the map then the sheild doors were a bad touch.all u gotta do is camp behind the shield odor and for them to come just like snowbound
  6. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    This is a very nice little arena style map. I'm not going to list the things I liked about it, because there are a lot of little things I liked. The geometry was great. Overall, it's quite nice. Keep up the good work. Here are my issues with the map:

    1-The equipment is a nice touch. Greatest thing in Halo 3 in my opinion. I do think it's a little heavy on this map. I'd up the respawns on the bubble shields to 2 minutes and the power drainers to 90 seconds. Not a huge change, but I think the map would be a little less crazy.

    2-There are a lot of places where you didn't merge, but easily could have. I noticed some fence walls, and double boxes that would have looked a lot better interlocked.

    3-It's fairly easy to get out of the map by hammer jumping.

    4-Those bouncing balls and mongooses are annoying. It's not really an issue in game, but maybe ditch the vehicles?
  7. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    This took a while but there is now an updated link to the new version. Thanks to cosmic for his imput. Tinginho you can't actually get on the other side of the shield doors and there is no shotgun on the map.

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