Did you ever want to have a have fun interesting snipers game from tower to tower now you can cause you got The towers of power! Theres two sniper towers for each team Red and Blue. Now here's the link to the map Download link-Tower powers Dont worry i already made the starting and respawning locations all you have to do is get your own slayer gametype. Pictures- (red Base) (Blue base) (Bridge) OK, i hope everyone enjoys this great sniper map i made Thank you.
Well, this looks interesting. I've seen lots of towers maps but never before one in the crypt. First off, there is no cover between the bases. Its much too easy for an experienced sniper to hold off the bridge and the rest of the map all on his own, as there ia nothing to stop the shots from hitting, or to confuse. The forging also looks a bit sloppy, which could make it more difficult to play, such as when someone is running over the bridge and they reach the little bump, and slow down for a moment. That moment could cause them a death etc. in all, its a great concept that needs work. You really ought to upgrade this to be compatible with CTF and Bomb games, or maybe non sniper slayer modes. Good work and keep forging!
This looks pretty good, but its really open on the sides of it and some walls are uneven as well, not to be picky but you should neaten this up and take a little more time on the main structures to make it better, if you do that then you'll have my download and many others as well. - 5.5/10 - Reincarnation
I think the main problem is that you can simply drop down the sides and then snipe the enemy from the sides. I think it's best to remake this map on the skybubble so players can't jump off, and pay a bit more attention to smoothness like Reincarnation said.
i read the name of the map and i thought it was going to be like ascension from halo 2 sry for the misspelling but i was disappointed which in tower of power there is only supposed to be one tower which the name of the game gets its name TOWER of power, not two towers but Tower anyway yea snipers is a bad idea because i know when your playing with generals all the time they will take control of the game with those and especially on this map and since the floor is flat throughout it will be much easyer also no cover... and the shield doors look sloppy........ idk why but they do idk what else to tell you it just needs alot of work good luck though.......