Yeah. self explanitory. Need the 3 vidmasters for odst, and the one on halo 3. the one with the iron skull. i forget the name. need 2-3 people because my brother could be over. 1. 2. 3.
Well dude there are only two you need in odst with other people classic you have to do yourself. Also dude I suggest you beat the game at least once before you do the campaign vidmaster.
Count me in. I'll check the thread regularly for times. You can my username if you want to know if I'm good enough. I'm not jesus, but I could definately do it, and I won't quit / lag out at any point. But yeah, if it's okay, count me down on the list.
YES! thank you for doing this idea. I need "Anuual" (H3), and then "Déjà Vu" (ODST), and "Endure" (ODST). I already god vidmaster classic, (go through "uplift reserve" with ought shooting.) I will help out if you send me an invite. GT=chung wii. (NO UNDERSCORE!) see ya there! (Here is my service record for ODST and Halo 3)
lol, okay. I'l be on at 8 maybe. idk, give me a time that you want to play... put my name in the list thingy. and i sent you a PM
By the way, if it's tonight at eight, that'll be 2 in the morning here. I've got school at half eight, so no can do. Sorry, I'm going bed now. Night all.
I've posted around before about this but if you need someone my GT: is T07WRX5 , i'd be happy to help with any of these, I've already got the Annual for Halo 3, but I'll still help anyone who needs it, as long as their connection doesn't suck.
"Déjà Vu" (ODST), and "Endure" (ODST) im only online sundays, maybe in the week but im on GMT+00 so theres somthing?
And as a reply to my above comment. Im not a big fan of people who quit out right as the 4th set starts for Endure, and also people who think it's funny to start rocket betraying the other 3 players on Deja Vu'. So yeah, it's called a co-op achievement for a reason.