Title says it all. ^^ Now, please use manners when debating with another person, make sure you are'nt criticising them for a stupid reason. Please think before you post, re-read your reply if you have to. (For spelling, not good reasons etc.) Discuss.
No because you're bribing someone to be you're friend and if you're not treating them well they'll keep the money and just avoid you. Also because buying friends means that you don't have any friends.
What? That's basically: Friends = Happiness 0 Friends = 0 Happiness You can't buy friends First of all, Friends aren't everyone's idea of happiness. Second, Just because you have no friends, doesn't mean you're not happy. Third, that's basically the same as the buying happiness debate we're doing now.
True but loneliness is the problem if some one doesn't have friends their going to suffer from loneliness which no one wants. Which also leads to drugs, thats not being happy its being high. Also if you bought all you're friends you don't know who to trust so they could rob you blind, then you could end up on the streets, which yet again loneliness is the problem it leads to depression, And lots of people get lost in their own mind because of depression. Then they see the world as some black hole then they think they don't have a purpose in, Also see nature not as beauty but as destruction or something else. And after that it leads to suicide. So no money cannot buy happiness.
Right so basically, No Friends = Loneliness, even if others are around > Drugs somehow, Bought friends = no trust = getting robbed and being poor > End up on the streets >>> Suicide. And obviously everyone sees Nature as beauty, and "getting lost in your own mind" obviously makes you think the world is a black hole.
How about I use my money to fund charities and fundraisers to help those who need it. There, I'm happy now.
well not exactly but metaphorically speaking in the last sentence, if you're lonely and depressed you start to think that you have no place in this world. Then you think suicidal thoughts, So thats where the "black hole" comes in.
well because i been playing spore on stop this week, money does bring you happiness if you dont use it to buy planet busters "you think we'll be friends with you if you give us money? well your abasloutly right, how much do you want to give" -the ouman empire-
It would for me. Currently I want a cellphone, ipod touch, and driving lessons. All of which I estimate a total cost initially of about $7OO which is quite a bit of dough for a 15 year old with no income. If got those things right now I would be very happy.
I believe so. You can have happiness without money, but money can very definately bring happiness. It's a materialistic world, it's imperfect, but it has it's advantages, currency is important to obtain these advantages. It's a form of 'status'. It's not a particularly nice way of thinking about it, but I'd like someone to be able to tell me that they've never bought or have been bought something that has made them happy.
Drugs are a hallow happiness. So are possessions. Money makes it easier to become happy. But money is definitely not a factor nor a substitute/equal to happiness.
This is a pretty easy debate. I think there are some things that you could get money being a small factor that would give you some degree of enjoyment, but in the long run. No, money doesn't make you happy.
Money could buy me happiness.... :/ Rich people who are unhappy are only unhappy because they aren't used to it, so small things make them upset. That is probably a WAY to generalized statement, and there is probably a rich person somewhere with a legit reason to be unhappy, But I am saying it anyway.