Do you really expect someone to accidentally get this achievement without knowing about it? That would suck if you didn't and quit like right before you got it only to find out you were that close later. Who want's to do this achievement so they DON'T get recon and just have a whopping 5 sets-o-fun for 25G. I know about bandwidth and stuff like that. The problem is that you can make sure no-one is downloading an 8GB file at your place, but you have no control on stopping your friends from doing some thing. And BTW we did it on Alpha site both times and got 600,000 by the last wave in 2hrs. 15mins. This way is much faster. There are no wraiths or vehicals so it makes it that much more easier to deal with Was it fun? Yes. Was it Rewarding. No. Does Lag = Lag. Most Likely. /OverQuote
Diger, it's a game. Lag is lag, what really matters is how much fun you were having during those three hours.