My Lab just passed away this January. It's hard as hell to lose a dog. R.I.P Scooby Doo T_T Your lab has HUMONGOUS ears and yet hes skinny as heck. What is wrong with you people? Fire Next Door has great lighting if you were going for photography. Can't say much other than Dogs Rule. EDIT : WOMG! Your dog has Boomerang Ears! If you look at the picture his ears look like boomerangs thats awesome!
Yes that was taken when we first got him he wasn't quite a puppy and wasn't grown into his legs or ears just yet. But he is pretty well purported now, hah.
Thar's cute, I have a black lab, she's like 9 years old and is really fat but loves going on walks it's wicked wierd
Scooby was 13 and was UBER fat, and so did my dog! If you took the leash out and he was outback, he would come running in dude. He also loved the pool, I remember this one time we had one of those blow up pools and he got in dude he was so fat he tipped the thing over! xD This has become a discussion of dogs. o-o I LOVE IT!
d'Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :3 It's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! I WUBBWUB wubbwub wuuuuuub WUBWUBWUB WUBB WUBB-WU-wub-WUUUB WUBBWUB wubb WU wuuub WUBWUB wu WUBWUUBWUB wuuub WUUUB WUBB wu wuuub WUUUB, WUUUB WUBBWUB WUBB wub wuuub wubb wubwuubwubbu wub wubwub WUB wubwub WUBB WUBB. WUUUB, wub WUUUB WU WUBWUB wu wubbwub wu wubwubwub WUBB WU wub wuuuuuub WUBB wu wub WUBWUUBWUB WUBBWUB. WUB wuuuuuub wubbwub WUUUUUUB, wuuub wubb WUBB it!
Same thing with Cleo, she loved the pool and if you said POOL! she'd run out back and dive in the pool, too bad we moved and now I walk her three miles to a swamp in my woods like once a month, she loves it!