Here is a great space ship i just finished today. All it is for is for looks and to have fun on if you want it can be used for gametypes maybe but im not sure and you'll have to add them in. Here is the download link Download link: {Shiplet} Now some pic's Pictures: (Here is the overwiew of the whole ship) (Here is the Command centre) (Here is the OBservation Deck) (Here's the overlook room) (Here is the Grand HAllway) (And last here is the gun rooms up from the grand staircase) I have to got to say this is my best post yet i hope everyone enjoys. =)
Holy Friggin Crap... you got your post done to standards. Congratulations sir your pics are actually working and I assume of your own map. The map is kinda sloppy but it seems like it might be fun to goof off on. Still though good job and thank you for posting your map up to standards.
Aesthetics aren't everything. not even close. they certainly add to the feel of a map, but the main thing is game-play. but you made an Aesthetic map, so as much as i hate to say it: "it N33dz mOar InteRloxin!!1!ONE!" but no, seriously, it seems silly to make an aesthetic map and then blow off aesthetics
Hey Ashden, I want you to keep making maps. It's a bit sloppy, (but like I'm one to talk) but you definitly are determined so seroisly, keep trying!
Well, first I want to give you a piece of advice. I mean this in the most polite sense possible, when posting your maps you should use discretion. Instead of posting every single thing you make, only post the best. and just keep the worst off the internet as to not make people think you are a worse forger.
Not the best work I've seen, but the blocks are arranged neatly and evenly. It's a good start, keep trying. 3/5.
Not a bad map for one of your earlier maps but for the future here are some things you could do to improve your map/post. Make sure everything is lined up and even, consider geomerging if necessary, put in the gametypes youself, add more of a description to your post, don't take pictures in forge, and that dark blue text hurts my eyes! But yeah like I said it looks like a pretty fun map.
I completely agree. Your map is by no means one of the best aesthetic maps I've seen, but you still did a good job. Keep forging, you'll get better in no time! Keep working on your geometry and try to keep everything lined up as well as you can. Good luck on your next map.
Im sorry, but I do not see a ship or even a mini ship in that structure... it looks more like a floating house. I would try making it look more like a ship by making a ship shape and add engines (killballs) or something... For a mini floating house, it looks good though =)
There is no such thing as a ship shape. A ship (water) is a large vessel that floats on a body of water. A ship (space) is a large vessel that floats/travels in space.
Hmmm... Doesnt look great, no offence. Pic 2: The Slit walls look wonky. Pic 4: Guess... (Ill give you a clue... The Collum) Pic 5: There is a hole in the floor.