Decadence Created by SVV33T SAUC3 Recomended Players: 6-8 Gametypes: Team Slayer, One Flag Download Decadence Here Decadence is a small to medium sized map with unique gameplay. In most map, the center of the map is the main focus, but in this map the outer edges are. Confused? Don't be. The map consists of cramped rooms and narrow hallways wrapped around an empty courtyard that holds a mauler and flare at it's center. Windows scatter the area so if ou enter the courtyard, don't plan on staying. Also, when I say empty, I literally mean it. The main battlefronts or points of interest are the watchtower or defender's base, the Energy Sword Structure, and the Fuelrod Room. Wait what? A Fuelrod? Don't worry, it fit's into the gameplay smoothly. It's not a problem, I promise. There is a dropdown to the Energy sword room from the roof of the structure. After sixty seconds, a lift will spawn so you can get to the top. I made it spawn after sixty seconds so that The initial rush for the sword wouldn't be any easy grab and go. There is no quick way out except fighting or death but death sucks. The flare in the center definetly helps, especially if your assaulting the defenders to steal their flag. The Br's around the map definitly are good if your up in a window or if you have that with the Fuelrod. One main thing to note is the aesthetics I've incorperated into this map. Especially the spiral staircase leading into the defender's base. Weapons: BRs : 6 Carbines : 4 Plasma Rifles : 2 SMGs : 2 Energy Sword : 1 Fuelrod : 1 Mauler : 1 Plasma Grenades : 6 Flare : 1 Here are some pictures to help you get to know my map a little bit better. Most of them have shed some of their walls and roofs for your viewing enjoyment. This is an overview of the map if it was roofless. The Fuelrod Room and inbetween the obelisks resides the Fuelrod itself mounted on the wall. Here is a good overview of the majority of the map. Mainly the Energy Sword Structure. Here is another good overview of the other side of the map. And there is a Defenders Base or Watchtower Overview without any walls. And now here are some pics that do have walls and a ceiling. The Energy Sword Structure is where the majority of the fighting happens. A fourth of the way through the game, bodies will be scattered across and inside. A view inside of the Energy Sword Room and a view of the mauler and flare. The room has many entrances into it and places for people to throw grenades in. The lift to the top doesn't spawn until after 60 seconds as I said before. The Fuelrod room is where much of the fighting will also occur and where the flag will most likely be run through. The Fuelrod itself. A highly explosive weapon in such a small room. Fun right . . . Take cover! Hiding in the Fuelrod Room is easy, but leaving is more difficult. Don't get overwhelmed. The entrance to the Attacker's Base and the capture point is very open and it is easy to get grenaded and BR'd. :WARNING: This map is highly explosive. Strectchy Arms! That's all I've got to show you. Thanks for reading. Bye. Love you
This map looks like it could prove some epic battles and interesting angles of gameplay, i like the sword room 'mechanism', the spiral staircase looks a sweet design and it looks pretty smooth to run up, also i noticed you said <- are you ENCOURAGING grenade spams??... anyway the map looks neat and well forged, i dislike a few of the shapes for the structures but thats a personal opinion. so a dl from me an a good 5/5 for both originality and quality keep forging
I was not suggesting grenades should be spammed, I was suggesting that it is difficult to camp in there.
Nice to see you off of Xforge**. This map was fun to play on even at its extremely breakable stage 2 months back. The rooms are open and provide somewhat of a mix between CQC and mid range action. Loved the Fuelrod room, that area impressed me the most when I spawned in it. Anyways, I'll see you and Jenkins in a few if your on live...
Do you intend your map to be excapable? Its seem aht there are some places where if someone where to get that fuelrod gun they could just shoot-jump out of the map =/ Anyways- the aesthetics are very nice and they add an interesting look to the map, it definitely stands out in the rolling pile of MLG(insert cool sounding word here) maps =] It actuallt reminds me a lil of Pallet Parade- anyways, keep forgin dude =P
Looks cool. Right off the bat the stairs caught my attention, because a friend of mine used the long wedges the same way. Anyway, it looks like a fun map, it's nice to see some unconvential weapons like the fuelrod and flare. It also looks to have a vertical feel to it as well with a lot of cool vantage points. Good job.
Wow great map. The thing that caught my eye was that curved staircase you made with the wedges. I think they would look twice as better if they were interlocked though. That doesn't matter as long as it works out as a staircase. The center of the map looks a bit to open, maybe you could like geo-merge a box or something to make it look nice and add a bit of cover. Overall the map looks good!
Very nice staircase, it definitly caught my attention. Your map seems fairly solid if you are predominantly going for CQB, however there still may be too much open space in the center.
Not only is the geometry and the spiraling stairs great but so is the weapon placement.the sword is a fair fight against a mauler and a fuel rod.the base setup is perfect.the reason why is because it prevents so much spawn killing.i will give it a 5/5.
this looks pretty cool, i LOVE the staircase, awesome idea. my one major issue is, you have like 3 structures in a line, the fuelrod room (i think) in the middle and and empty courtyard of death separating the two! IMO this will lead to gameplay just going back and forth between the three rooms, much like conquest. with little interest in the courtyard / FR room, except for rare skirmishes, idk i think i would have preferred a square courtyard with four structures around the outside and one desolate broken down room in the middle. would make gameplay more varied i think... 2.5/5
Wow, you may think, but, I know. This maps gameplay is very varied and unique. The courtyard and FR room have the least interest in team slayer, that is true, but this maps best gametype (IMO) is CTF, and the Energy Sword structure is ignored greatly in this gametype. It really switches up the gameplay.
LoL nice map SVVEET SAUC3! The map itself has unique gameplay and flexible routes from one side to the other. I remember no-scoping tommy from the defenders base to the windows at the attackers side. That wuz epic. I though that this map played best for FFA than teams, but thats just my opinion. Love to see YOUR maps being posted!
Wow great map! I like the stair case, especialy how it spirals. The gameplay looks great. I'll dowload it and try it out. Good Job!