HEY! YOU STOLE THIS!! lol. Yea looks like it aye. Wonder why none of the updates on Bungie.net have mentioned it.
I believe it is on installation 4 just like sidewinder was, except this is the one being rebuit by the ark. Where is the ark though, I haven't seen it in any of the screenshots?
04 was the first halo ring from the first game right? I know burial mounds took place on that ring, because of the damaged ring you saw in the sky, much like this screen shot.
I can be mistaking but I think they are getting those screenshots from the recent Humpday? Let me go check.
Bungie isn't that good at glitching/escaping maps. The rate that people find this stuff at is frankly disgusting. Only a couple are from the humpday.
Some may also be from the MLG Meadowlands tournament when people had downtime? I don't actually even know if that happened yet though. Too lazy to look.
They could be screenies from the testers. I've been seeing screenies from them all week on the new DLC.
Hey, why wait for screenshots when the maps are coming out tomorrow =) I am pretty excited I have my points set up and everything. Looking forward. Blackout Avalanche Ghost Town Fun fun fun.