As I write this, I am eating. I also had health class earlier today, and my Chapter for homework is food and nutrients; I then realized that I am a food addict. I LOVE food! So I am asking the FH Community : What are your favorite Foods and/or favorite thing to cook? I've heard a lot of people say that cooking is for the women, which I don't believe. Do you? My Favorite thing to eat and cook : My PERSONAL Fettucini Alfredo. Without the right cheese, it tastes crappy. Also one last question, if you cook who mentored you? My mom Mentored me. ^^
The last year was my first year as a student, living away from home which was basically my initiation into the world of cooking. I've learned a lot and basically taught myself how to cook, pasta being a absolute staple of my diet and every other student's diet. My favourite thing to cook would have to be beef stew/casserole, its easy to make and can feed you for a number of days if you put enough in. Although, my speciality would have to be pancakes which everyone likes.
Thanks for replying Knarly and who doesn't like pancakes? haha! Yeah, Pasta has always been a very nice thing to eat for our whole family. xD