Sandbox Ghost Run

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Aimless Ant, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    Ghost race is a custom game type, sort of a hybrid, somewhere between Rocket Race and Run for Cover. The game is played on VIP with 4 teams of two players per team. The VIP can drive the ghost but cannot pick up any weapons; the second player can pick up weapons, but cannot drive or score goals at the check points. The game consists of 4 rounds, three minutes each or to 10 points (which ever comes first). The multiple rounds ensure that each member of the teams gets a chance to drive and shoot 2 times a piece. The scoring is 1 point per goal scored and one point per VIP killed.

    The rounds start with the VIPs boarding their ghosts and the other players going through teleporters to platforms in the sky. The starting goal is always in the center on top of a pyramid, the rest of the goals are random. The sky players can pick up a Spartan laser immediately and rockets after 10 seconds. The VIPs have overshields, making them easier to spot, and requiring two splaser shots to kill. Their shields do not recharge, so eventually they will get killed. The rockets are much harder to get kills with, you have to lead the players by 10 seconds. The rockets come in handy because you can lauch a few at a goal, then switch to your laser and if timed right, a VIP will reach the goal at the same time as your rockets.

    A few additional game facts:
    Towers are blocked, game uses whole map.
    Teammates cannot hurt each other.
    VIPs are faster, so if you lose your ghost walking is not as slow.
    Everyone starts with a plasma pistol and infinite ammo.
    Each team has its own base, with its own teleporter to individual platforms, and two ghosts.
    Line of sight between platforms is blocked, so shooters cannot kill each other.
    Falling off the platforms causes a time penalty, but no points lost.
    Killing non-vip players scores no points.
    Teleporters are one way, so shooters cannot take weapons back down to the ground.










    [bungievid] 93115297[/bungievid]

    #1 Aimless Ant, Sep 9, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  2. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Holy crap. This looks epic and original. Downloaded for sure.

    Btw, is killing the ghosts really that hard with the spartan laser. Because in the video, I didn't see much success with the spartan laser. And on each team's base, what if the non-vip person accidentally walks off the ledge, could they get back up onto their teleporter?
  3. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    Killing the ghosts can be difficult. It takes two direct hits, and they are pretty far away, so most ghost die after 3-4 partial hits. I wanted it to be a little difficult, because spawning, getting on a ghost and getting killed within 10 seconds over and over would be frustrating. As it is now, as a driver you will probably die a handfull of times within the 3 mins, and as a shooter you might only get 1-2 kills if you cant handle the laser, 5-7 kills if you are real good at it. Plus i am sure that lasering from far away is something you can get better at. The video is just a glimpse that i thought showed the goals well. In the video i followed ghosts that were going to capture points, so i wasnt following the guys about to die. Trust me, ghosts are exploding all around you, this game rocks!

    As far as your question goes about respawning, if you fall off the sky platform, you respawn at your base looking at the teleporter that will take you right back up, no big deal (except waiting 8 seconds to respawn). If you are refering to walking off the lower base before the teleporter, then no, the non-vip's can not jump back up to the base. This is to prevent someone getting into another teams base, teleporter, and griefing the players on the other platforms. Trust me, you wont accidentally fall off the lower base. There are rails, and plenty of room to get around.
    #3 Aimless Ant, Sep 9, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  4. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    I like how you put it in your description. This game does seem to be a hybrid of sorts but still original.
    Creativity and simple fun are what make this map enjoyable with good forging thrown in for good measure.
    Awesome map good post Kudos
    EDIT: I love your mario ghost haha
    #4 VIBlackDragonIV, Sep 9, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  5. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    This really is a fun game, something everyone should check out. Heck, it might even cut it as matchmaking material (assuming Atlas is accepting games such as this). There are some great moments playing this, except for the fact I can't splaser worth crap. Also, in the vid, I think I'm the person who tips over at the beginning, lol.
  6. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    This map is both exceptionally forged and planned out, not to mention new and creative. Just wondering, do you get points for kills, as in killing the VIP? And if so, what prevents spawn killing, cause the spawn area looks really open. You could drive the ghost up to the enemies platform and assassinate the spawning VIPs.
    #6 HunTedMeat, Sep 9, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Love the whole concept to this game. Very clever of you.

    I also like the fact that each destination has its own unique and well built structure. One question though, why did you name the map Quicksand? I'm just curious because there is no relation with the map and that word.

    Great job man. This looks extremely fun hands down.
  8. hclarke15

    hclarke15 Ancient
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    are there snipers so you can pick people off the ghosts
  9. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    No snipers, you are VERY far away, and ghosts are fast. You would need sensitivity of 10 and be an amazing sniper to get kills like that. The weapons on the map are perfect, try it out.

    As far as the spawn killing issue is concerned, i attempted to address this as best i could. 1: only the vip could get up to spawn camp, and then you would have to wait for maybe a min or two until someone respawns wasting time that could be spent capturing goals. 2: the spawn points are all backed up to a wall and slightly u shaped in their direction, so the respawn person would be able to see the camper from the start. 3: everyone respawns with 10-20 secs (i cant remember exactly) of invincability. So i dont think camping could ever be benificial or effective. In the many tests i had, no one ever camped.
  10. xT Game Over Tx

    xT Game Over Tx Ancient
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    looks amazing 5/5!!!

    well structured. good gameplay. great presentation with the video and screenshots. great idea. creativity. even some aesthetics?! This map has EVERYTHING! great job man.

    no d/l for me though. im not really into customs right now. more of mlg. just browsing though.


  11. Darkside102

    Darkside102 Ancient
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    DUDE! this map is off the hook! usally I play the game before I say anything but this map is that awsome. The differnt goal spots are placed so beautifully, and the asthetics around them are sweeeet! when I get my xbox back in 3 days I am def downloading this. I am almost more excited to play this with my friends then getting ODST right now
  12. HaloMike

    HaloMike Ancient
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    This is my favorite game right now. I play this as much as my friends will stand, because its all i want to play. The rocket race double exp this weekend just made me appreciate this even more. At lease if your teammate is a d-bag you can still get points by your self. I had several games where my random teammate on rocket race decided not to drive and i was stuck running around for 10 mins. This should really be a variant of the rocket race game. I love it.
  13. avocado100

    avocado100 Ancient
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    looks like a fun map. good job with the vid. it really helps sell the map :)
  14. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    This game is one of my favorite games to play. If I have a party of like 14 people, I'll like boot people until there is eight people in the game, just so I can play this!!! Also, this game is great when you only have like 4 people in a game with nothing to do!!!

    There is only one problem with this map. When your team spawns, the person that is not the VIP has trouble figuring out what to do. They normally run around the map and are like, "What the heck do I do!!" So I have to explain to them what to do and stuff. So when they turn around to go back to their teleporter, they can't get back up. (I figured out the only way back up is to crouch jump) When I tell them to crouch jump, some don't know how. So everything is screwed up from there.

    I can't think of anything that would be able to change this, so since your the one with the good ideas, I guess you can think of something.

    Oh, I just thought of something!

    You know how at the very beginning, the ghost goes down a ramp. Well what if they went up a small ramp that only vehicles can go up. This will make it so that only vehicles can get out the front way, not humans. Then, block of the back so the person can't jump down either. So while this person is trying to find a way out, he will notice the teleporter and go through it.

    Also, so that the person cant jump on a ghost then jump out, make the gravity just a little bit higher.

    I hope what I have said will contribute to a V2. Or at least just this become a V2. Either works. :)

    Please reply and say if something like this will be put in, or Ill have to put it in myself. Now Im not sure you would want that because Im not the best forger out there, and something as simple as that should be no sweat for you, saying how good of forging this map has. But Im sure I would be able to do just that...
  15. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    I think thats a good idea. How about CPUs that make it so u can only do damage while on the platform. Or you could block off the area with teles that send u up top, since vehicles aren't affected by them.
  16. Aimless Ant

    Aimless Ant Ancient
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    A couple of guys at produce a video series called "Halo 3 Forges", and decided to make their latest episode about my map and game. I had no idea they were doing this, and only found out because my downloads spiked. Take a look at the video, and check out the rest of their episodes, funny stuff.

  17. chikinlil45

    chikinlil45 Ancient
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    Congrats on the video. I love this map and this is all me and my friends have been doing for the past few days.

    I have one question though. Can this game be modified to fit 16 players because there are 8 eight ghosts at the start and the number of platforms in the sky bubble could possibly be increased?
  18. Elitearbitar

    Elitearbitar Forerunner

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    Very clever gametype, it looks like great fun. 10/10.

    Also, did you get inspired from the Annual vidmaster achievement?

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